Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Once Upon a Summer Night: Mists of Fate by Nancy Scanlon

Publisher:   Diversion Books
Published:   April 11, 2017   
ISBN:            B01N35BGFA
Genre:       Time Travel Romance
Format:     Ebook
Obtained via:  Publisher  
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina



With his cousin and partner, Brianna, happily ensconced in late 1400’s Colin O’Rourke is focused on expanding their company Celtic Connections including an office in England.  But things are not moving along as smoothly has he’s like.  It seems a very popular tabloid reporter is determined to find her niece, bookish Eleanor Carberry, a husband.  And the meddlesome aunt has some very specific ideas about said husband.

Eleanor (Ellie) is content with her life as a London bookshop owner. She loves her bookshop and her relatively quiet existence.  But when her aunt asks her for a “favour” which is actually her aunt trying to find her a husband, despite her reluctance, Ellie agrees.  s wealthiest, Ellie reluctantly agrees.  Despite meeting a few choice gentlemen Ellie finds herself more and more drawn to Colin. 

And Colin finds himself attracted to Ellie.  And Ellie seems to like him, but there’s a fly in the ointment.  Colin is also a protector – a guardian of his family which requires him to travel not just place to place, but time to time.  When the paparazzi come after Ellie because of her aunt’s machinations they head off to Colin’s cottage hidden deep in Ireland.  But while there Ellie, along with her friend Gwen, end up back in the late 1400’s. Can time and distance bring these two star-crossed….or is time-crossed, lovers together?

I’m a long-time fan of time travel and when I stumbled on Nancy Scanlon’s Mists of Fate series I was treated to an entire time travel series.  I liked Colin from book 1 on and was delighted to see he has his own story in book 3, ONCE UP ON A SUMMER NIGHT.  He is wonderfully conflicted between following his heart (Ellie) and maintaining his duty to his family.  He learned long ago not to tempt the Fates…even though they throw some curves his way.  Colin never really knows when….as it what year…he will end up when they send him on a mission.
Scanlon writes “sweet” in the sense that she has romance and the push and pull of true love finding its way.  She writes is in a way that cross-generations can enjoy it. It’s a nice read for a teen new to romance and at the same time seasoned readers can sit back and enjoy. The mechanism for the time travel is different – a unique take on the idea of love transcending time. 

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.


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