Sunday, April 23, 2023

RORY & INK by Alexa Piper


Publisher: Changeling Press
Date Published: January 2023
ISBN: 010630-03455
Action, Adventure,  Paranormal, Futuristic, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Reviewed by Gabrielle (
Weblink: Rory & Ink (Monster Apocalypse 4) | Changeling Press LLC Women's Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Dark and Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Contemporary Romance
Obtained via publisher

Rating :3.5 Hearts

Rory and his knights have come to finish what they started. Returning to Earth for what they hope will be the final blow to the evil that threatens them all. With new fighters on their side, they are determined to stop the monsters and evil from taking over. They must make their stand now that the two sides of evil have come together to try and use Rory and destroy Earth. Who will be the ones to survive and will there be anything left for those survivors? The time has come to see if Rory and the magic he holds is enough to defeat the evil.

I have enjoyed this series and this last book is a nice way to end the story. Hopefully it is not the last we get to see of these characters as there are many things I would love to see expanded on. Once again Rory shows more growth and strength that he has gained with the support of those around him. There is a good amount od depth tot eh characters and the plot moves at a quick pace, sometimes too quickly for me. I would have loved to see a bit more to the story. Emotions are strong and we see many bonds develop along the way. Not only did we get to see the main characters find happiness but we also got to enjoy many of the supporting characters and interactions. The love and friendships shine throughout this series and never more than in this last book. I enjoyed getting to come along for the ride on Rory’s adventure and hope I get to see him again.

 This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.




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