Sunday, April 16, 2023

BLOOD & FATE by Alexa Piper


Publisher: Changeling Press LLC
Date published: November 2022
ISBN: 010549-03428
Genre: Action, Paranormal, Magical, Futuristic, Gay
Reviewed by Gabrielle (


Obtained via publisher
Rating: 3.5 hearts

Rory and his men are still on a journey of a lifetime. Rory and his mate Inkiri continue to bond and enjoy each other as Rory heals and learns about his magic. As Rory is slowly coming to terms with the power that he has and how it comes to him they must fight the evil that continues to try and take Rory. Soon Rory needs all his man and more to help fight the evils that come for them from all sides. Rory must begin to grow up and face the facts of what life has given him and learn how to wield the force that he has. New friends are made along the way and enemies are uniting. Rory and his knights must hurry to save everyone and everything that they hold dear to them. 

I enjoyed this newest adventure that Rory and his men go on. This is only a step in their journey but it is a big one. It was nice to see the way Rory is beginning to grow and understand what is needed of him. The bond between him and his mate Inkiri deepens as does his friendship bonds to the other men. The trust and love that they all have shows in everything that they do. You can even see it in the barbs between Rory and Vergis. Not only did I enjoy the main characters but I loved meeting the secondary ones as well. Rory learns a lot in this book and we see him beginning to grow with the help of those around him. It is also interesting to learn about the magic itself and how it thinks as it communicates with Rory. The author has woven and interesting world that brings different kinds of magic together. This book pulled me in right from the start. Each new book is a fresh adventure for Rory and the author keeps it fresh and interesting with each book and not drawn out and each book has me more invested in Rory and his men. As the author indicates this book does end on a doozy of a cliffhanger and I am eager to return to this world to see Rory and his knights fight again.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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