Sunday, September 7, 2008

GOTHIC DRAGON by Marie Treanor

Publisher Samhain Publishing
Date published July 2008
ISBN 978-1-60504-076-9
Romantic time travel
Reviewed by Valerie

Esther loves her writing. She’s stuck in a boring job and an equally boring relationship. She is fascinated with the life of Margaret Marsden, her ancestor and a nineteenth century romance novelist. Margaret disappeared one day without a trace. Esther’s fascination leads her to a hunt where she finds Margaret’s long lost novel, The Prince of Constanzo. Every time she tries to read the book, she falls asleep and dreams of the story. But the dream is nothing like the real story. Prince Drago, is the supposed villain and she is kidnapped and brought to his castle. There she becomes a part of the story and her attraction for the seductive Prince gets stronger and stronger. Her real life seems so far away, until it threatens to tear her away from those she love and never be able to return to them.

This is a fabulous story. Totally captivating, Marie Treanor leads her readers into a wonderful world of intrigue and murder. A world that seems very real to the heroine of this great story. It’s the kind of story you won’t want to put down as it twists and turns and surprises abound. Ms Treanor masterfully leads her readers back in time and she writes a fascinating story. It’s also very sensual and thrilling. I’ve been a bit leary of time travel stories. It’s difficult to really get it right without it being too confusing or questions popping up about time continuum and the such. But this story is just right and as it’s more of a fabricated story that Esther goes back in time to, it’s just really cleverly done. I’ve always loved Marie Treanor’s work and this is no exception.

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