Sunday, October 19, 2008

DON’T HEX WITH TEXAS by Shanna Swendson

Publisher Ballantine Books
Date published April 2008
ISBN 978-0-345-49293-7
Urban Fantasy/Series Romance
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by Dawn

Poor Katie Chandler, she has fled from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan to her home town of Cobb, Texas. Now she works at her family’s store, a feed and seed place. She figures she did the right thing since she left that sexy wizard Owen Palmer to battle his own demons and since evil has a way of finding Katie, well it is just better for everyone all around to leave NYC and go home. After being told by her former boss, Merlin from Magic Spells and Enchantments that Cobb is free of enchantment; Katie is still finding things are just not up to snuff, in her opinion. So what’s Katie to do when the bad guys just won’t go away, her sexy wizard is in town investigating and her family and friends are up to their ears in magic? Why show these dang evil guys that you just don’t mess with the Lone Star State.

DON’T HEX WITH TEXAS is the fourth book in Ms. Swendson’s series and this reviewer, after reading this charming tale of Katie Chandler, had to rush to her local library to see if they had the first three in the series. I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful novel with quirky characters, snappy dialogue and a “don’t mess with Texas” mentality. Each page was pure reading enjoyment as you meet Katie Chandler, her magical and non-magical friends and a world where magic is the norm. With her wicked sense of humor, Ms. Swendson delivers a rollicking fun time in DON’T HEX WITH TEXAS.

Meet Katie Chandler, a woman who decides to leave her dream job in Manhattan and goes on back to the family business in Cobb, Texas. She leaves her sexy wizard boyfriend, as she seems to have “evil come on over” stamped on her forehead. Now she is stuck in Texas, trying to not miss her old life, reacquainting herself with old friends and family and seeing some pretty interesting things going on in Cobb, even though her former boss, Merlin insists that there are no enchantments there. One of the most thoroughly enjoyable characters this reviewer has read in a long time, this author breathes life into this book with a huge bang! The characters are multi-dimensional, storyline intriguing and the romance in full force especially as Owen comes to Cobb to check out the unauthorized use of magic.

Katie is a delight and this is one author I am going to put on my “to be read” list ASAP! If you like charming characters, snappy storylines and a mystery that will keep you hanging by the edge of your seat, then grab Ms. Swendson’s DON’T HEX WITH TEXAS and find out what really is going on in Cobb, Texas.

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