Sunday, February 22, 2009

MAGNOLIA: Flowers of Camalot series, Book 4 by Anny Cook

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Date published: December 2008
ISBN 978141998612
Fantasy Erotic Romance
Reviewed by Dawn

Came-a-lot is celebrating the holidays and Prince Undain is the last unmarried son of King Arthur. Escaping from the chaos of Yule season and an influx of family members, Undain and his lover, Prince Dennac find out that there is an unexpected surprise in the form of a bewitching beauty who quickly becomes their third member of a marriage triad. Magnolia has a past that flares when her husbands find out what she is and when someone from her homeland decides he wants Magnolia for himself, can Undain and Dennac keep her safe from harm?

MAGNOLIA is the fourth book in this delightful series from author Anny Cook. Sensual and enchanting, Ms. Cook delivers a holiday story that will keep you toasty warm and pleasantly delighted. Here you meet Prince Undain, the last unmarried son of the randy King Arthur. Determined not to get sucked into the chaos that makes up Yule season in Came-a-lot, he escapes with his lover, Prince Dennac, to the tower they share together. What these two strong men don’t anticipate is a woman who will complete them and the problems that follow her to Came-a-lot. Magnolia is innocent yet bewitching to Undain and Dennac. She completes them and her innocence is just one facet that covers her many layers in their eyes. Total sensual delights await Magnolia as she accepts their proposal and marries them both in a marriage triad.

The three main characters (Undain, Dennac and Magnolia) are wonderful and this reviewer was thrilled to see Undain get his own story finally. All three have many layers that pull back to show the reader who they are underneath and I was eager to see what would happen when Magnolia decides to put some things in motion she’d learned from the wives of Undain’s brothers. Magnolia delivers chuckles and gasps of delight as you read it and I for one, am anxious to see if there will be more wonderful adventures in the steamy world of Came-a-lot. It was great to see the other characters from the first three books making appearances and some twists kept me riveted to the pages of MAGNOLIA. Ms. Cook does a fabulous job keeping her readers squirming in their seats with each new revelation as she weaves her sensual spell over them.

Ms. Cook enchants her readers with another thrilling tale of magic, shape shifters, and sexual fun in MAGNOLIA. If you haven’t picked up the other three books in the series (CHRYSANTHEMUM, HONEYSUCKLE, & DAFFODIL), then do so. They are rousing fun books that will take you to the world of Came-a-lot and the wonderful characters that populate it. I look forward to more adventures in the world of Came-a-lot.

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