Welcome Ms. Jo Davis to Love Romances and More, thank you for joining us.
Did you always want to become a writer?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be an author. I used to write stories in elementary school and sell them for .25 each! Even then I knew what I wanted to do.
What is the most, and the least interesting fact about writing?
I’m not sure about the most interesting, but the least is definitely the long hours sitting at the computer, staring at the blinking cursor when the story isn’t flowing. Readers don’t see that part of what we do.
How did you celebrate your first release? What was it like to see your book in a bookstore? Do you have a special ritual for celebrating a book release?
For my first release, TRIAL BY FIRE, I had a book launch party at a local hotel and invited my friends and family for a nice catered dinner. We had a fabulous time. Seeing my book in the bookstore that week was the most amazing, wonderful feeling in the world. I can’t describe what it was like to see my book among authors I’ve read and admired for years.
How did your family react to fact that you also write romance novels? Have your family read your books?
My family has been wonderfully supportive. My husband has been my rock, encouraging to follow my dream and sticking by me through the difficult times. My family, especially my mother, does read my books. My mom and dad are my biggest fan! (though dad doesn’t read my books)
Most authors are also avid readers. Is this the case with you? If so, who are some of your favorites? Have any influenced your writing?
I’m a voracious reader. I read more than 300 books per year, in addition to keeping my own deadlines with my books. I don’t watch TV—Something had to give with my schedule, and in my free time, I’d rather read! Some of my favorite authors are Cindy Gerard, Suzanne Brockmann, JR Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Jim Butcher. I’d say Suzanne Brockmann has influenced me the most because in reading her SEAL’s series, that’s when I knew I wanted to write a series of hot, heroic guys like that someday.
Your characters come to life in your books. Do you feel each of your characters live with you as you write? Do their lives sometimes take over a part of your life? Can you name an example? Do you have living role models for your characters?
Thank you. Yes, when I write I’m totally into my character’s head. They are as real to me as anyone. Sometimes they do take over my life, when I’m doing ordinary things such as driving, for example. I’ll be so into the dialogue going on in my head that I’ll blink at a red light and realize I’ve forgotten where I was going! Sometimes I have living role models for my characters—I use the qualities in the people I know, their fears and joys.
What inspired you to write a series about firefighters?
I wrote about firefighters first out of necessity because my FBI series wouldn’t sell. The market was saturated with cop and FBI stuff. I needed a team of heroic men, and it occurred to me one day—who is more heroic than firefighters? They risk their lives every day for others, and love what they do. They are family men, too. I fell in love with them during my research and never looked back.
Where do you get the inspirations for your books?
From all over, especially for the suspense elements; newpapers, magazines, stories online that are tragic or even bizarre. Many times my inspiration is taking on an issue that means a lot to me. For getting into writing for my heroes, I’ll cut out a picture from a magazine of a sexy guy I think looks like I envision him and post it by my computer for the duration of the book!
Do you find it difficult at times to write love scenes?
Not at all! I very much enjoy writing love scenes! My darling hubby doesn’t mind, either. (wink, wink)
What is your favorite book from the books that you have written so far? Who are your favorite hero and heroine, and why?
Ooh, that’s a tough one! I’ve written 4 books for NAL, am working on number 5, and I have to say Howard Paxton and Kat McKenna are still my favorites. Though I truly love them all. I have a feeling Captain Sean Tanner, who’s story comes out in December 2010, will find himself at the top of my list...
Which book was the hardest to write and which the easiest?
TRIAL BY FIRE was a piece of cake. That story practically wrote itself! My upcoming August release, WHEN ALEX WAS BAD, was definitely the hardest. I squeezed that book in between the deadlines on UNDER FIRE and HIDDEN FIRE, plus I had to write the entire book knowing it had been optioned as a major motion picture. (The movie rights to ALEX sold on proposal.) And I had to turn out something outstanding, knowing that an Academy Award-Winning producer was waiting for me to finish the book so she could get it to the screenwriter. That was major stress unlike any I’ve ever known, folks. But ALEX is my editor’s favorite of my books, the producer was extremely pleased with how it turned out, and so am I.
If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?
Alexander Quinn from WHEN ALEX WAS BAD. Because he’s granted the freedom to do whatever he wants, with some juicy stipulations, of course. Though I’d personally want to skip the consequences heaped on poor Alex, since he’s marked for murder…
Do you listen to music while you are writing and if so what music is it?
Yes, sometimes, depending on if I need to create a certain mood. I love classic rock, as well as current groups like Daughtry and 3 Doors Down.
If you could choose of your books for a movie, which one would it be and who would you as the cast?
Well, l’ll go with WHEN ALEX WAS BAD since it’s in development! I’d have to case my vote for Mark Wahlberg as Alex. The man is completely yummy. I might go with Megan Fox as Jenna, the villainess.
Big congrats to your newest release, Under fire , can you please tell us something about the book and the series?
Thank you, Danny! This is the second book in the series, and is Zack Knight’s story. He meets Cori Shannon, who’s an exotic dancer working her way through nursing school. Zack is broke due to his father’s massive legal gambling debts, is being threatened to come up with more money, and has been working double shifts until he’s about to drop. Cori is working hard to put her awful past behind her. When these two meet, sparks fly…and Zack, who is a shy virgin, is helpless to resist her! Book 3, HIDDEN FIRE, will be released on December 1, and is Julian Salvatore’s story. He’s Station Five’s resident bad boy.
Are you working on anything right now, and can you tell us a teaser about these projects?
Recently, I turned in my February 2010 release for NAL Heat, I SPY A WICKED SIN. I SPY is book 1 of the SHADO Agency series, and I liken it to James Bond meets Bourne Identity and goes erotic. Right now, I’m working on book 4 in the Firefighters series, LINE OF FIRE, which will be released in June 2010, and is Tommy Skyler’s story. After that, readers will get their much-anticipated story for Captain Sean Tanner in December 2010! Let me say that in books 4 and 5, there are major shakeups on the horizon for the Station Five team. And that’s all—my lips are sealed!
Thank you for having me here today!

Only lucky blogger will win a copy of Under Fire. Check back tomorrow to see if you are the winner
Good morning! Thanks for having me here today. :)
Hope everyone is enjoying lovely weather--it's storming here in Texas. At least Mother's Day was nice!
Hi Danny!
I can't get into my website mail right now, maybe because of our nasty storm? Did my cover for Under Fire come through?
I can send it again... :)
Hi Jo,
Congrats on the new release. I can't wait to read Zack's story. Will Shane be making any appearances in Zack or future Station Five books? I'm really excited about the SHADO Agency series.
Hi Jane!
Our hunky homicide detective, Shane Ford, has a small mention in Under Fire. However, he does have a more pivotal role in Hidden Fire, Julian's story, in December. I've toyed with the idea of giving him a story eventually... :)
Thanks, I'm looking forward to the SHADO Agency series, too! Spies, assassins, and smokin' hot, anything-goes sex...I had a great time writing this one!
HEllo Jo. Congrats on the new release. I recently learned of you as an author on another blog and I thing your books look fabulous. I cant wait to read my first 1 when I can get to the book store. Thanks for post it was great.
Thank you, Sarabelle! I hope you enjoy my Station Five boys, and Alex, too. :)
Oooooh, these books look combustible...hehe!! Gotta check them out, I love hot firemen!!!
Hey Jo! Hey Danny!
Imagine finding hot hunky firefighters being discussed here with Jo! I'm so glad that NAL bought out the last two books of the planned series. Although personally, I can't get enough of Jo's firefighters and would love to see more!!! Hint, hint, hint!
Hi Jo,
I think my favorite thing about visiting blog is meeting authors that are new to me. You fall into that category and now I have some catching up to do. :)
Hi Jo - and congrats on UNDER FIRE hitting the shelves! I know I've read it twice already, but I can't wait to read it again.
Tracy G.
I can highly recommend Trial by fire! It's one hell of great book. I really love firefighter stories, okay I come from a firefighter family. LOL
Hi Valerie,
I hope you try and enjoy them. Firemen rock! :)
Hey Suz!
I'm with you--so glad Tommy and Sean will get their stories! I'm working on Tommy's and loving it.
Hi Susan,
Thank you so much. I love meeting new authors, too! This year at our national conference I'm going to get to meet Jim Butcher at our NAL booksigning, and I'm SO excited!
I hope you enjoy my firefighters. :)
Hi Tracy! Yep, Tracy and Suz, as my CP's read my books before anyone else. I'm glad they like my work! :)
Thanks, Tracy!
Hi Jo~
Congrats on your new release. I am looking forward to reading this...I love a good story and how can you go wrong with a hot fireman!
I love that even elementary school you realized that your writing was worth buying!
Have a great day.
Thanks, Danny! I didn't know you came from a firefighter family. That's so cool! :)
I love firefighter stories too, and when I realized there weren't many of them around, I had to do something about that!
Great interview! Under Fire sounds great!
Hi Jo, congrats on your new release. I have been hearing so much about your book on the blogs. I believe it is going to be a fantastic read. I love the cover of Under Fire. You gotta love a book with firemen in it. Please enter me! Great interview!
Hi JO!!! Can't tell you how much I loved the first book and can't wait to read this!! Cool on your NAL book too! Is it hard working between different books and pubs?
Hey Jo!
I live in Missouri and they say Wednesday we're gonna have some bad weather..so blah! Mowed the yard today though, which was a huge chore so I"m ready for some rain!!
Cannot tell you how excited I am to read the hot firefighter books. I've heard wonderful things about them and I'm sure their gonna rock!
oh hot story love fireman congrats on teh books
Hey Jo!
Congrats on your new release, Under Fire sounds great! Love the cover :)
Hi Lori,
Thanks so much! Yes, even as a 3rd grader, I knew I wanted to write. :)
Have a great day!
Hi AmyS, thanks so much. I enjoyed writing Zack's story. :)
Hello, Virginia,
Thank you, I hope you enjoy Zack's story! I love my covers so far...the art dept has been very good to me. :)
Hi Caffey!
Sometimes it's hard working with books due so close together, and when revisions and copy edits start overlapping. I write both lines for the same publisher, though, so they cut me a little slack when I need it. :)
Hope you enjoy Zack's story!
Hello again, RachieG!
Hugs on the bad weather coming! At least we don't get blizzards in Texas. :)
Hope you love my firemen!
Hi Anonymous and Marie!
Thank you so much. I love my cover, too! :)
Sorry, I am a day late, but here is the winner.
Big congrats Rachie G
I am going to send Jo your e-mail addy.
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