Welcome Ms. Tracy L. Ranson to Love Romances and More, thank you for joining us.
Did you always want to become a writer?
I guess I always did but didn’t realize it until much later in life…lol…as a child, I would always rewrite the endings of my book if I didn’t like them. I think my parents knew before I did.
What is the most, and the least interesting fact about writing?
I would have to say the most interesting fact about writing is the fans. I’ve had more fans e-mail me and tell how much they loved the book or how it helped them through a rough period of their lives. I would have to say the least interesting is writing a synopsis of the book in order to get it sold to a publisher. I have a lot less trouble writing the book!
How did you celebrate your first release? What was it like to see your book in a bookstore? Do you have a special ritual for celebrating a book release?
My first release, my husband and I went out to dinner and had a great evening afterwards. My books have yet to be carried by bookstores but that’s coming very soon. Now I have two releases tomorrow: VIKING SEDUCTION from DARK CASTLE LORDS and CARIBBEAN SPLENDOR from SIREN PUBLISHING. Since this is my first double release, I’m not sure how I’ll react
How did your family react to fact that you also write romance novels? Have your family read your books?
My family has been most supportive actually. My mom, bless her heart, is one of my most avid fans. You see, she is deaf and one of her pleasures comes from reading and she loves my books. Most of my aunts and female members of my family have read all my books. My husband, who is the foundation of all my heroes, is very proud and tells everyone what I do and what I write.
Most authors are also avid readers. Is this the case with you? If so, who are some of your favorites? Have any influenced your writing?
Of course! I read everything I can get my hot little hands on. Some of mine are Catherine Coulter, Jackie Collins, Phyllis Campbell, Regan Taylor, Mary Martinez just to name a few. All of them in one way or another have influence my writing, especially Phyllis Campbell. She and I have been friends for years and critique partners for almost as long. She has been hailed as the Queen of Sexual Tension and for good reason! She helps me to add the necessary tension to my stories because she’s so good at it. Besides that, she’s a great friend!
Your characters come to life in your books. Do you feel each of your characters live with you as you write? Do their lives sometimes take over a part of your life? Can you name an example? Do you have living role models for your characters?
My characters at times have lives of their own. I do base some of them off of real people but I can’t reveal who they are or else I’d be in big trouble! My husband serves as the model for my heroes because he is so wonderful.
Where do you get the inspirations for your books?
My inspiration comes from the world around me. Sometimes I might hear a song that inspires me or maybe see something on tv or just hear a phrase that perhaps my husband has said.
Do you find it difficult at times to write love scenes?
Not at all! The only time it does get difficult is when I’m interrupted by my husband or pets, all vying for my attention.
What is your favorite book from the books that you have written so far? Who are your favorite hero and heroine, and why?
It’s so hard to narrow it down because they’ve been my favorites for one reason or another. The same goes for the second part of the question.
Which book was the hardest to write and which the easiest?
The hardest I would have to say was PIRATES OF THE MIST. There was a lot of research that went into it as well as the ending was written about six different ways until I had a dream about it.
If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?
Morgaine of Wales in VIKING SEDUCTION. Who wouldn’t want to fall into the arms of a handsome Viking nobleman? I liked that so much, I married a Viking…lol…My husband’s heritage is Norwegian and he’s built very much like his ancestors. Very tall with high cheekbones and lots of muscle. He’s also blond as well.
If you could travel through time to visit a special time period or famous person, what or who would it be and why?
Elizabeth I because I think she is fantastic. She ruled an entire country during time when women were regarded as the weaker sex. She lived her life on her own terms and didn’t dance to anyone else’s tune.
Do you listen to music while you are writing and if so what music is it?
I do. It all depends on what I’m writing. If it’s a dark book, I listen to heavy metal or a historical, I will often listen to either Celtic or New Age music.
If you could choose of your books for a movie, which one would it be and who would you as the cast?
PIRATES OF THE MIST would definitely be the winner. I can so see Gerard Butler as Tristan (He is my fav and so hot!!!) while I would like to see Kirsten Dunst as Michaela.
Are you working on anything right now, and can you tell us a teaser about these projects?
A lot of projects but unfortunately, I can’t give anything away about them just yet because they are under consideration at agents/publishers but as soon as I can say something about them, will!
Hi Tracy,
Great to see you here.
Yeah, Gerry is my fav too....I saw him first though....hehe!!!
I enjoyed your interview...I didn't know you and Phyllis Campbell were such good buddies...cool!!
I think it was me that dubbed her Queen of Sexual Tension...lol!! She is very deserving of this title.
I've enjoyed your books too, hope lots of folks will come by and check them out!!!
in Germany
Hi Tracy and Danny,
Great interview Tracy. So what do you do to relax after a hard day of working DJ's and writing?
LRC Owner/Senior Reviewer LR&M
Hello to my fellow Vivacious Vixen and how fun to see you here! Congratulations on your author day!
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