Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DARK HARVEST Book 2 in Kismet Knight, Vampire Psychologist Series by Lynda Hilburn

Publisher: Medallion Press
Date published: October 2008
ISBN: 9781933836614
Trade Paperback
Reviewed by Dawn

For Psychologist Kismet Knight, life got really interesting. Now seeing that vampires really do exist and they can be very, very bad, has Kismet trying to find her place in a world where she is totally out of her depth. Add in her hunky boyfriend, Vampire master Devereux, a snoopy reporter and a mad day-walking vampire has her wondering if she is losing her mind after all. Kismet is about to find out all that goes bump in the night is not as harmless as she thought.

DARK HARVEST is the second book in this author’s Kismet Knight Series and I have to confess, this was the first time I read one of these books and this has me racing to get the first one, The Vampire Shrink. Quirky characters, mystery, horror and some really interesting twists will keep you on the edge of your seat. I read this in one day, it was that enthralling. I love the writing style of Ms. Hilburn. It was fast paced, had you intrigued by the first few chapters were read and I was eagerly waiting what would happen next to poor Kismet.

Meet Kismet Knight. A reluctant psychologist to all things paranormal and after her recent few months, she has found a night life that isn’t told in the papers or magazines. She finds herself in the cross hairs of a mad vampire who wants to add her to his harem… slight problem Kismet doesn’t want to be there yet with chunks of memory missing, she has no idea what the heck is going on. Add in an overprotective boyfriend, Master Vampire Devereaux, a snoopy reporter who may be her new friend and some secrets exploding every few minutes, is it any wonder that Kismet wants to crawl under her covers and never appear again. Life took so many twists, she has no idea what’s up and what is down. I love Kismet. Straight laced, logical and though she sees vampires and knows some vampires, she still has trouble overcoming that logical part of her brain and accepting that yes, Kismet, there are vampires among us. With her relationship with Devereaux shifting all over the place, you feel for Kismet as she tries to keep pace with all the changes. I love how this author has this poor girl experiencing lots of things yet the core of her personality is still the same. Strong multi-dimensional characters, a weaving storyline that has so many turns you feel like you’re on the edge of a cliff, breath held waiting for the next shoe to drop.

DARK HARVEST is a really good paranormal story with just the right twist to keep it fresh and interesting. I really enjoyed how all the characters interact with each other and they show the reader lots of layers, even in the secondary characters. If you want to truly experience this new series, then I highly recommend reading the first book as much as I enjoyed DARK HARVEST, there were many mentions of what happened in the first book that had me a bit confused. I suggest reading The Vampire Shrink then DARK HARVEST to get the whole Kismet experience. This is definitely a keeper for my bookcase.

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