Sunday, August 30, 2009

Welcome to Lorelei James' guest blog

I haven’t always been a romance lover.

There, I said it. Out loud. In public.

For a good chunk of my life, I was one of those people who turned her nose up at that unrealistic, formulaic claptrap that makes up romance novels--aka bodice rippers. I read mysteries, because we all know there is absolutely no formula to those plots whatsoever !

In my early 20’s, I’ll admit I occasionally picked up a Harlequin, just because I was intrigued by the titles. A good friend of mine--an avid romance reader--gave me an entire box of Harlequin books when she was forced to move. This is embarrassing to admit, but I almost threw the whole lot in the garbage. Eventually I picked one out of the pile. Then another. Next thing I knew, I’d read all 125 of them. But know what’s sad? I still wasn’t convinced, nor would I purposely wander into the romance section of a bookstore.

Although I quit writing following the births of three kids in six years, running a household and holding down a fulltime job, I never stopped reading. I’d always fantasized about finding the time to jot down the ideas racing around in my head...until I realized if I could put it off forever I probably would. So I parked my butt in the chair and let my imagination fly.

I’ll be honest, that first book I wrote--I hesitate to call it a book because it was such a rambling mish-mash of utter crap and has never seen the light of day--didn’t turn out at all like I’d expected. It had a very heavy thread of romance in it, not the killer mystery plot I’d intended. And to make matters worse, it had a lousy romance thread. So I decided I’d better actually read some current romances (grumble grumble) to see what worked in the marketplace and what I was doing wrong. I picked up four romances in the bookstore -- Kiss and Tell by Cherry Adair, Truly Madly Yours by Rachel Gibson, Baby I’m Yours by Susan Andersen and Naked In Death by JD Robb. Pretty spectacular selection, huh?

You knew this was coming--I was absolutely blown away. This was...romance? Get out! The books kicked ass! The characters were warm and funny, or cool and prickly. The male leads were to die for or men who needed a serious smackdown from their beloved heroines. The dialog was awesome. These books had plots. I laughed. I cried. I could not get enough. I think I read three books a week that first year I “discovered” romance. I was forever more hooked. Even now when I’m published in both the erotic romance and mystery genres, nine times out of ten I will choose to read a romance over any other type of book.

So the skeptic became a champion of the genre. If anyone is stupid enough to say, “Romance? I don’t read that crap,” to me, I will lecture them until their ears bleed. No seriously, I will question them on the last time they read a romance (usually the 1970’s) because if they’re judging the genre by the books of the past, they’re behind the curve, big time, and missing out on some incredible novels.

I did keep one book out of that first box of Harlequins, which I still have – Who Rides the Tiger, by Anne Mather.

Anyone still have the first romance they read? And what is the title?

Thanks, Danny, for asking me to be a guest blogger today!

Lorelei James~


Anonymous said...

Morning L, my first romance ... so long ago. When I was in high school, late 70's, I started reading HQ books. I'd go to the local SallyAnn with my mom, you could fill a shopping bag for a $1.
The title of one book - Engaged to Jarrod Stone, I don't remember who wrote it but I love the name Jarrod. I also recall fondly all the books by Janet Dailey from each state.

Michele (LG Gang Member)

Barb said...

I first read Rosemary Rogers and Sweet Savage Love. And yes, I still have it.

Kathy said...

Hmm, my 1st romance was a Harlequin back in the late 70s-I was dead set against romance cuz I was a mystery lover and a tomboy, but my sister convinced me to read it because the heroine was an Olympic runner. I don't have it, but I do have my favorite romance book of all time "Mrs. Mike" by Benedict and Nancy Freedman. It's a fictionalized account of girl from Boston who marries a Mountie in the early 1900s.

Unknown said...

Good morning L, I don't remember the name of my first romance. I know I was in high school and could not get enough of the Harlequin romances. I still have boxes of them all over the house.

Rhonda (James Gang Member)

Amy M said...

My first romance was an anthology with Angela Knight, and Lora Leigh, and a few other authors. Of course I am drawing a total blank on it right now. I was blown away! I really had no clue, I just picked it up, and was hooked. I really love one with a suspensful side to it too.

Amy M

Terri said...

The first romance I read????? Had to be late 60s, early 70s. They were the mindless books that I could pick up read a bit, put down, pick back up and never miss a thing. I used them as stress releavers in college as I didn't have to think as I read them. (mid 70s) I never stopped reading them but I have to admit, the selection now a days is awesome. There is something for everyone. I also remember the books from each state by Janet Dailey. I just recently gave them to my husband's grandmother to read.

Terri (another Gang Member)

Blanche said...

I don't remember the name of the first romance I read but I do remember the author......Danielle Steele!!

Yvonne said...

I started reading romance late in life also. Again after my 3 sons were born and out of high school. It was also a harlequin which I still read today. I have had people ask me what I read and when I say romance they give me that look. I tell them I have been more places around the world than any seasoned world traveler. All this with a different male partner. They truly don't know what they are missing.

Tiss said...

I have read alot of Harlequin romances in my life, no I don't remember the first one, nor do I probably have it anymore. I have found authors that I really like and have saved their books, only to have books overrun my house, now I pass them on. I was probably in junior high when I read my first romance in the 70's. Janet Dailey, Ann Mather, amoung the names I remember. I will always save my Lorelei James books tho, they are't going anywhere!!!

Tiss(Proud James Gang Member)

Mint said...

I can't remember the first one I read but fairly early on I read The Flame and The Flower by Kathleen Woodwiss and I still have it.

cslade14 said...

My first romance was Katherine Woodwiss, Ashes of Roses, I heisted it from my mother, went to my babysitting job (1.00 per hour) so you know how long ago that was. I have the book here somewhere, but more importantly I have been reading romance ever since. I am trying a first novel but can't seem to put the books down that I'm reading to start the editing...UGH Let me tell you, I have every book you, Lorelei, wrote and would sell my washer and dryer to buy the next one if I had to! :)