Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A DUKE OF HER OWN by Eloise James

Publisher: Avon
Date published: July 2009
ISBN: 978-0061626838
Historical romance
Mass Market Paperback
Obtained via: Publisher
Reviewed by Valerie

The Duke of Villiers must marry and he must be careful in his choice of a wife. He has six bastard children, whom he has decided to bring under his roof after being deceived by his lawyer, and his new wife must be able to take care of them all. Nothing but a Duchess will do. It seems he has two choices. The lovely, intelligent Eleanor, and the equally lovely, but slightly mad, Lisette. At least, the rest of the ton considers her mad. Lisette is betrothed to another man and Eleanor pines after a lost love. Villiers is torn between the two women, but in the end, a duel is the deciding factor. In fact, finally losing his heart is by far, more dangerous than the duel itself.

I found this story to be very entertaining, sometimes amusing and most certainly, very sensual. The secondary characters added a lot of depth and life to this story and the interaction between the main characters was interesting and held my attention. I have read some other books of Eloise James and can understand why she has so many fans and why so many love her stories. Villiers appears in a previous book and I was glad to see him get his own story. The rascally rogue certainly meets his match, but I won’t tell you which one of the ladies are lucky enough to capture his attentions. You will have to read this story yourself and I can assure you, you won’t be disappointed. I think you will be as satisfied as I was.


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