Wednesday, September 29, 2010

BLOOD ON SILK by Marie Treanor

An Awakened by Blood novel
Publisher: NAL
Date published: September 2010
ISBN: 978-0451231567
Vampire romance
Trade paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained by publisher

Elizabeth Silk discovers Saloman while spending a summer in Romania researching historical superstitions for her PhD, in particular the Vampire legend. Saloman was a powerful vampire who was supposedly staked hundreds of years ago. When she is sent to a remote village and finds an ancient crypt, she discovers the legends are true when she awakens Saloman himself. But there is an army of vampires who are bent on sending Saloman back into the darkness. Elizabeth is drawn to the deadly vampire but at the same time she fears his bloodlust. She tries to help capture him by offering him her body, but it seems desire rages instead of hate, connecting them even more. Elizabeth must decide if her loyalties lie with the hunters or with Saloman.

I have been following Marie Treanor’s career with great interest. She has a large backlist of e-books that are all great reads. Now, here she is with her first New York publisher print book and it’s the first of a trilogy. I was very excited to be able to review it here.

So, I dived in and was at once captivated by Elizabeth. She’s a great person and you can’t help but like her. Ms. Treanor describes her activities in Romania vividly and you can experience her frustrations with the locals as she doesn’t know if they are giving her true legends or just made up stories. The awakening of the vampire was very exciting and Saloman is a very enigmatic person. The jury is out right now if he is a hero or a villain. You cannot quite be sure about this bad boy. Maybe he could be good? I am hoping for the latter, but I think I will have to wait until the story is finished to find out. I also liked how Ms Treanor magically ties everything up together. The hunters, where they came from, the vampires, what happens to a vampire or a hunter when they kill a vampire…something a little different that I haven’t read in a vampire story before.

I know that all vampire lovers will really enjoy this book. It’s exciting, thrilling, a little dark, with characters that you’ll love and you’ll be hoping the next book will be out very soon!

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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