Thursday, September 2, 2010

COURTESAN’S KISS by Mary Blayney

Publisher: Bantam
Date published: June 2010
ISBN: 978-0553593136
Historical romance
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained via publisher

Mia Castellano is on her way to Derbyshire after the termination of her engagement. Somewhat in disgrace she is being accompanied by Lord David Pennistan who agreed to escort her as a favor to his brother. He didn’t expect the young miss to be so troublesome. Things get really dangerous when Mia’s maid gets sick and the party has to stay in quarantine for a week in case the sickness turns out to be smallpox. Mia is determined that when she becomes of age, she will be a courtesan. She will live her own life, take charge of her own money and run her own house. She has a lot to learn, especially when Lord David and she are caught in a compromising situation and he proposes marriage. David can’t help but be attracted to the minx and she makes him laugh. He now needs to convince her that they are indeed made to take on the greatest adventure that life can give together.
This was a very pleasant and entertaining read that made my afternoon most enjoyable.

I must say up front, that as soon as the first few chapters were read, I could see how this story would play out and I thought that things would be quite predictable. In some ways it was, but there were a few surprises and some unlikely characters added to give the story a little more spice. Ms Blayney writes very witty dialogue, a good, tight plot and knows how to keep that sexual tension simmering. I especially enjoyed the banter between Mira and David. Although Mira had a hard time in the beginning getting the Lord to talk, by the end of the book, he is making progress with full sentences and even questions. At some points, I thought David should take that minx and put her over his lap and give her a good spanking. But, although you know she is young and often acts so, she also has a heart of gold and in certain situations shows wisdom and knowledge.

So, you history lovers out there, do pick this one up and enjoy a lovely afternoon getting to know Mia and David.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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