Monday, October 18, 2010


A Lucky Harbor Novel
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Date published: October 2010
ISBN: 9780446571616
Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Print
Reviewed by Pam
Obtained by publisher

Maddie, Chloe and Tara are sisters, born to the now dead Phoebe Traeger, but sired by different fathers. Maddie and her sisters meet at Lucky Harbor, Washington, to claim the legacy Phoebe has left them. The small town seems to embrace them, but they need to stay longer if they are to settle.

They argue a lot because they are so different, but Maddie is determined to get them to stay and renovate the old inn. She hires Jax, a tall dark and handsome man, which she of course fancies. Maddie has left her boyfriend and her job back in L.A. as she wants to be a ‘free spirit,’ like her mother had been. Nerves take over so to the amusement of her sisters she teaches herself to knit, then gives away oddball scarves. Though they’ve all sworn off men, Maddie struggles not to fall for Jax.

The hero is definitely irresistible in this tale of wounded souls, needing to get their lives back together. Ms. Shalvis has written an intriguing tale with plenty of funny incidents, to keep the reader turning pages. There is an intriguing romance with some really hot shower scenes and lots of misunderstandings. The three sisters are all different and all wanting something different out of life, but the story is more about whether such different souls can join together with a single aim.

The hard done by old inn is almost a character on its own, with a small caretakers cottage and a rundown boat shed nearby. The town’s people are a motley mix of young and old, who all pull together in hard times. The carnival they hold makes the place come to life, as the cold weather changes the sea from blue to grey and angry.
With its beaches, a pier, eateries and bar, it could be almost anywhere in the world, but warm smiles and looking out for each other are abundant in Lucky Harbor.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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