Date Published: March 2011
ISBN 978-1-60820-312-3
Contemporary GLBT (M/M)
Reviewed by Dawn
Obtained by Author

Jason Miller has kept a part of himself quiet and hasn’t told anyone he is gay. Not sure if he is afraid of the reactions he may get, Jason breezes along in life, telling himself he is better off this way…until he meets Chad Wellington. The one man who makes Jason question his old arguments about staying in the closet, as he falls further and further head over heels in love. Can Jason find a way to show Chad he is proud to be Chad’s lover?
ANYTHING FOR YOU is another winner for this author. Full of humor, hot steamy passion and a love that won’t be denied, Mr. Day creates a story that resonates with a reader-be it straight or gay. The writing is tight, the storyline fast paced and the characters are to die for. Ethan Day has a gift for creating characters that resonate with a reader and I, for one, want Jason to be my friend. He was hysterical in his quips and comments and had me rolling in laughter. You know you’ve got a jewel of a story when within a matter of minutes of starting ANYTHING FOR YOU, you are giggling like crazy.
Meet Jason Miller, a young gay man still afraid of taking one foot out of the closet to the world. He was an entertaining character that had me wishing he was around so I could bask in his personality. He had issues excuses or arguments as he called it, and the author really does a masterful job in keeping the reader glued to the pages, hoping to see what Jason does next. Chad was a sweetie and was the perfect balance for Jason, in my opinion. He was an out of the closet gay man and though he didn’t push Jason to do the same, the reader felt Chad’s emotions as he came to terms with his relationship with Jason. The emotions that were from Jason and Chad went from joy to passion to sadness and back again as both dealt with everything. There were some wonderful secondary characters that kept the story flowing smoothly. I recommend keeping a fan around since I swore the computer screen was smokin’ from the heat these two generated in ANYTHING FOR YOU.
Two opposites attract yet somehow managed to be perfect for one another is what ANYTHING FOR YOU is about. Mr. Day is a talented author who definitely has the feel for his characters and lets them have their fun while telling a highly entertaining story. If you are looking for a sweet, romantic story that will leave you with a smile on your face then grab ANYTHING FOR YOU. I am hoping Mr. Day comes back to Jason, Chad and their friends in the future. I would love to see what they are doing next.
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.
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