Publisher: Berkley Sensation
Date published: March 1st, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-425-24041-0
Historical Romance
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by Dawn
Obtained by Publisher

James Blackwood is one of the trusted bodyguards for Prince Ernst of Dalmia. He never anticipates that a chance meeting with a woman artist is about to change his entire life. Sofia Eastleigh never anticipates having her life change at the drop of a hat. Meeting James at his recent paramour’s house was an unexpected delight but the unexpected news of her birth father a total shock. Now with James shadowing her and the simmering passion that flares each time they touch can a small wager between Sophia and James give them a lasting relationship?
I have to admit I didn’t read the other two books in this trilogy (GORGEOUS AS SIN and SEXY AS HELL) and though you can read SWEET AS THE DEVIL independently, I felt a little lost while reading it, especially as you could feel a connection between the many characters that show up throughout the story. The writing at times was tight and flowed nicely and the characters were intriguing. The author does a good job in creating some sexual tension throughout the story as Sofia and James play the age old mating game.
SWEET AS THE DEVIL introduces the reader to James, Baron Blackwood who is a ladies’ man and takes his day job very seriously as the trusted guard to Prince Ernst. He is one charming rogue, I have to admit. Footloose and fancy free, he is sex on legs and a man in demand to the ladies. I have to admit; he has charm and oozes sex appeal. I loved the scenes between him and Sofia the most, especially as both main characters have always been the one to control their romantic liaisons. It was a nice change of pace to see James pursued by Sofia as the sparks fairly burned out of control between them. I like the fact Sofia is not a wilting, “save me” kind of heroine. She is bold, brash and a breath of fresh air which had me smiling in delight when I first started this book. The characters were nicely developed and there were some intriguing secondary characters that kept the story flowing nicely.
SWEET AS THE DEVIL is a hot little story that will surely keep you entertained and amused until the very end. I plan to read the first two books to see how those characters got their happily ever after. Ms. Johnson is a talented author who knows how to keep her readers highly entertained on a cool spring night. I am eager to see what else this author comes up with in the future.
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.
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