Thursday, September 8, 2011

WILD PENANCE by Sandi Ault

Publisher: Berkley
Date published: February 2011
ISBN: 978-0425238844
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained by publisher

When Jamaica Wild is out jogging, she witnesses a bizarre view. A van parks on the bridge and a man on a cross is thrown down into the Rio Grande Gorge. Jamaica Wild is an agent with the New Mexico Bureau of Land Management. It looks like a ritual of the Penitantes, a religious group who believe in whipping themselves and acting out the crucifixion of Christ. Jamaica is drawn into a web of old traditions and murder. She had been researching the cult for a while and soon she is in the aim of the murderer. She has some good friends ready to watch her back, but if she’s not careful, she could be the next one on the murderer’s list and end up dead.

The descriptive prose alone drew me into this book, as Ms. Ault has a way of describing the scenery that makes you believe you are right there. She describes colors’, smells and the culture of New Mexico that will make you want to pack a bag and go there. Add some engaging characters, a heart-stopping mystery and you have a recipe for a ‘can’t-put-down’ book! The dialogue is taut, the plot twists and turns and I can assure you, you will enjoy this book. There is a tad of a romance and when Kerry Reed stepped onto the scene, I almost thought he might be the bad guy but was hoping not as he was so sweet. Of course, I won’t tell you if he is or isn’t, you’ll have to read the book and find out for yourself. Sandi Ault is an author that has to be read and I am certainly going to look up her backlog.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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