Publisher: Roc
Date published: December 2011
ISBN 9780451464309
Urban Fantasy
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained by Publisher

Welcome back to Golgotham. This is the second book where we meet Tate, a human and Hexe, her warlock boyfriend who is also the heir to the Kymeran throne. Tate is an heiress who lives in Golgotham and produces metal sculptures. There are all sorts of exotic characters in Golgotham, centaurs, satyrs, leprechauns, witches, warlocks and more. Both Tate and Hexe have family problems. Hexe has an uncle who is anti-human and Tate’s parents of not happy about what she does. Now a problem has arisen. An anti-Kymera faction has come to town and racial tensions start to boil. Two Kymerans are attacked and rioting starts. It doesn’t take long before someone is killed. Things are not what they seem. Are the acts of violence just random or is there something or someone behind the scenes? Can Tate and Hexe be of help?
This made for some exciting reading and I enjoyed getting to know the characters. The world building is good. The characters fleshed out and the action exciting. I did find Tate a tad shallow at some points and Hexe is more of a beta hero. Still, the whole politics thing, the secondary characters and the premise of the story kept me interested until the end. This book deals with the very real problem of racism so it adds a reality to the urban fantasy. It’s because of this that Hexe and Tate are seen as traitors to their races and cause them no end of problems. I also had a small problem with some of the dialogue. The history of Golgotham was quite fascinating and Tate gets to conveniently eavesdrop on the villain’s whole plan. Still, it was an enjoyable read and I would certainly like to read the first book, RIGHT HAND MAGIC.
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.
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