Thursday, July 12, 2012

NIGHTSHADE by Andrea Cremer

Book 1 Nightshade Series
Publisher: Philomel Books
Date published: October 2010
ISBN 9780399254826
Paranormal Romantic Suspense
Obtained via Publisher
Reviewed by Tammy

Move over Twilight books; make room on the bookshelf for NIGHTSHADE, the first in Andrea Cremer’s werewolf/witch trilogy, taking the young adult paranormal fiction world by storm.

Andrea Cremer’s NIGHTSHADE is the coming of age story of young Calla Tor, a female alpha werewolf destined to merge packs with the sexy and very male alpha wolf Ren Laroche. With graduation and the day of their wedding fast approaching, Calla is at times excited, nervous and very resolved to marry Ren, fight alongside him and rule their pack together, guarding the sacred sites for the Keepers, the witches that rule their society. Who knew that when Calla saved the life of a human boy, her very world would be turned upside down?

Andrea Cremer has created a complex and multifaceted fantasy world where wolfshifters are ruled by the Keepers, witches that forbid the wolves from learning of their true beginnings or the war that left them subjugated to the Keepers. Calla is strong and dominant, headstrong with a yearning for independence. After saving a human boy, Shay, she finds herself intrigued by him even though she knows that her destiny lies with another. At the same time, her duty to her pack and her hormones are keeping her in a constant state of confusion and teenage angst. The love triangle that these three characters comprise leads to all kinds of questions, problems and discoveries. The story ends with a cliffhanger that leaves readers eagerly awaiting Wolfsbane, the second book in this exciting paranormal series.

This reader absolutely loves all these popular new young adult series that are popping up lately. Cremer’s NIGHTSHADE has turned out to be yet another hit out of the ballpark. It is so easy to feel Calla’s conflicting emotions towards both of her love interests, the sexy alpha wolf Ren and the equally intriguing yet human Shay. Her heart has her running away with Shay while her sense of duty and commitment has her ruling alongside Ren. This reader was constantly changing her mind as to just who exactly Calla should ultimately choose as her mate. And then everything that Calla knows to be true about her origins gets all turned around.

If you fell in love with Bella in the Twilight books and couldn’t get enough of Katniss in the Hunger Games, then you absolutely have to pick up Andrea Cremer’s NIGHTSHADE today. Young adult fiction has never been better than it is right now. Older teens and young at heart adults will not be able to put down this paranormal tale of discovery, love and betrayal.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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