Publisher: Gallery Books
Published: October 29, 2013
ISBN: 978-1476735207
Published: October 29, 2013
ISBN: 978-1476735207
Genre: Contemporary
Book format: Ebook
Obtained via: Publisher (Edelweiss / Above the Treeline)
Reviewed by name and email address: Gina
Book format: Ebook
Obtained via: Publisher (Edelweiss / Above the Treeline)
Reviewed by name and email address: Gina
There comes a time when you need to stop
living in the past and move into, at the very least, the present. Maybe you don’t need to look at a future and
getting to the present is a big step, but sometimes you need to get there. Sometimes you need a little help, sometimes
you don’t, but opening your heart can make a world of difference.
A year ago in the midst of a daring rescue
Ty Brown met a woman he soon found he couldn’t forget. Arriving on her doorstep in the dead of winter
with Nate Black’s boys, Jess Albert said nothing more than “these were my
husband’s” when she turned over that husband’s guns to the warriors at her
door. Jess and her actions stayed with
Ty long after the rescue ended. And he
always meant to return. But along the
way a woman named Maya entered his life.
Three years ago Jess heard the words no
military wife or girlfriend ever wants to hear…. “We regret to inform you.” Hearing those words froze Jess in time. But when Ty Brown arrives unannounced on her step
she begins to unfreeze. Slowly but
surely Jess and Ty return to the world of the living…they still mourn their
losses, but they find their way to the present.
A half a world away a man wakes to find
himself chained and in pain, but with no memory of how he came to be in this place. A woman who tells him her name is Rabia,
cares for him as best she can given her limited means. And Rabia protects him from those who hunt
him. But can one woman protect a warrior
against Taliban hunters.
When word reaches Nate Black and then Ty that Jess’s
husband isn’t dead after all but instead a prison in faraway Afghanistan, Ty
does not hesitate to say he will join in the rescue attempt. How many broken hearts and shattered dreams
can one small family endure? More
important, can love heal those hearts and turn those dreams around.
I’ve been a fan of Cindy Gerard’s since I read her book,
DREAM TIDE in the early 1990’s. Her men are heroes…not in a large way, but
with quiet assurance. Her female
characters are the kind of women you’d like to have as a friend. Readers will see bits and pieces of
themselves in different characters in each book giving you the sense of coming
home with those characters. When I pick
up a Gerard romantic suspense I settle in for non-stop adventure and heart
stopping missions to unfold on the pages.
Her latest, THE WAY HOME
takes a slightly different tack and seems to open up another dimension of Ms.
Gerard’s talent. Oh yes, there is a
white knuckle rescue where I found myself holding my breath till I knew the
outcome. And there is a passionate
romance. But there is a well done, new
dimension when she takes us into the darkest moments of a prisoner of war and
the effects of war itself, not just on the soldiers, but the people who live
through it on their home grounds and those waiting at home.
More than once I thought Ms. Gerard had written herself
into a corner and each time was happy to see that rather than fencing in her
characters, she took them to another level.
THE WAY HOME is a sensitively
written story that invites the reader to experience the myriad effects of war
and at the same time gives hope. I wasn’t
sure I would like the dual romances unfolding, but the way Ms. Gerard brings
everything home is so well done.
While part of not just the One Eyed Jack series, which
is a continuation of several of her earlier series you do not have to read the
books in order. Ms. Gerard gives just
enough back story for the reader to understand what came before. THE
WAY HOME is not just a story for our times, but for times to come.
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of
this book.
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