Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Publisher:    Berkley
Published:   December 6, 2016
ISBN:        978-0451471055
Genre:       Contemporary Romance
Format:     Print
Obtained via:  Publisher  
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina  Ginalrmreviews@gmail.com


Shelby Tanner hasn’t just spent her whole life in Magnolia Beach, she’s spent it in and around the marina owned by her family. She knows the bay and the boats that sail on it inside and out. And that is the reason why when she receives a call at 3:00 a.m. from a stranded boater, while she’s not so pleased with him, she’s cool, calm and collected.  But for as in control and competent as Shelby seems, she has a secret. A secret that just could keep her from what she wants more than anything.

Declan Hyde is between jobs.  Well, actually it’s a little bit more than between jobs. He’s also between homes…in different states.  He’s on the brink of what he has wanted more than anything his whole life. If he can get his boat back into the marina.

When Shelby and Declan meet she’s pretty sure he’s the dumbest sailor she’s ever met. Who lives on a boat they know nothing about?  Declan sees her point, but a guy who’s between jobs and homes doesn’t have a lot of choices.  And there’s something about Shelby that he just can’t dismiss. Could it be that what they think they want is actually something very different?  And can they find the answers to what that is with each other?

Kimberly Lang is one of those authors I’m wondering how I missed all this time.  Her Magnolia Beach series is one of those series that are perfect for the beach or snuggled in front of a winter fire. She writes a solid romance, the kind that takes me back to why I fell in love with reading romances. Her characters have passion and romance, but it’s not over the top. Instead she leaves you with a warm, cozy feeling.

Lang also takes on some of life’s tough issues, such as Shelby’s dyslexia—her struggles both in herself and in defining herself in her family.  Shelby’s transformation from doubting herself because of the dyslexia to a confident young woman is really well done.

The Tanner family is a hoot, but they are also a family you want to be part of. And, with a family that size, there are myriad opportunities for some more fabulous reads.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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