Saturday, December 2, 2017

LIVE AND LET FLY by Clover Tate

Publisher:     Berkley
Published:     December 3, 2017
ISBN:        978-0425283554
Genre:      Cozy Mystery
Format:     Print
Obtained via:  Publisher
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina


Emmy Adler, the owner of Strings Attached kite shop has been working on what she hopes will be one of the most spectacular kites ever for an upcoming festival in Rock Point, Oregon.  She’s pinned her future on the kite.  She needs to win the “best” kite in the contest in order to keep her shop open.  Thing is, her competitor, Sullivan’s Kites, is also entering.  And to make things a little more interesting, she’s been seeing Jack, the owner of Sullivan’s.  They stock different classes of kites so the competition is relatively friendly, but there can only be one winner of best kite.  With her kite shaping up nicely Emmy feels pretty good about her potential win.  That is, until, her sister, Sunny arrives in town.  Not only does Sunny announce she’s there to stay, she ruins Emmy’s kite not once, but twice.  But that’s not the worst of it.  Oh no…that would be when the contest’s judge turns up dead.

Jasmine Normand is known as the star of Bag that Babe, a reality TV show featuring various hunks and babes in bikinis.  She was an easy pick for the contest because her sister, Rose, lives in Rock Point.  It appears that Emmy may have seen the killer and while she’s more than happy to leave finding the killer to the Sheriff, when one friend becomes suspect number 1 and another is almost killed, and her sister goes missing, she has no other choice but to track down the killer herself.  But can she find the killer before the killer finds her?

I really enjoyed book one of Clover Tate’s Kite Shop Mysteries, Blown Away because it reminded me not only of going kite flying growing up, but of all the fun kites people fly on San Francisco’s Marina Green.  In book 2, LIVE AND LET FLY, she out does herself.  What a great story. 

Tate gives readers some great characters, a wonderful setting and a super mystery to solve along with Emmy.  Her characters are multi-dimensional and they develop nicely and credibly within and between the two books.  There’s no rushing into relationships and Emmy’s relationship with Jack doesn’t bog down into a hurry up romance.  The revelations about why she wants to take thing slowly are unveiled bit by bit but it doesn’t interfere with the story.  And Jack is such a good guy – you really do want them to end up together without a lot of extra drama in the story because the series is, after all, a mystery.  Many of the other characters are people you’d like to know in real life.

The town of Rock Point has a certain charm to it and the reader can get totally behind Marcus’s agenda about it.  I love the idea of the kite festival and the story of how Jasmine came to be there. 

Most of all, Tate weaves a great mystery.  I didn’t see the killer coming for a long time and even when it became known, there were a few white knuckle minutes while Emmy took that character down.  I can’t wait for the next one in this series. 

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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