Sunday, June 21, 2020

A WOMAN ALONE by Nina Laurin

Publisher:  Grand Central
Published:      June 23, 2020
ISBN:      978-1538715765
Genre:    Thriller, Sci Fi
Format:    Print from Publisher
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina



Cecelia and Scott Holmes have stepped into the future.  Not literally, but figuratively with their move into Venture and their SmartHome.  Venture promises a safe almost carefree existence from day-to-day worries.  Their shower is programmed to just the right temperature and pressure, their coffee finishes brewing with the exact amount of milk, sugar or syrup they want, lights turn on as they approach the house at the end of the day.  And it guarantees safety from life’s seedier, more traumatic side.  It is this promise of safety from life’s ugly side like stalking and murder.  It is this that drew Scott and Cecelia to Venture and their home at 32 Rosemary Road.

Scott loves their new home.  Cecelia likes it, she feels safe, but sometimes she feels like something has been lost.  They don’t know their neighbors and Saya, their artificial intelligence unit knows a bit too much about their private lives.  But for Cecelia, the safety of Venture is worth it.  That is, until Saya begins to change their routines.  The water in the tub is suddenly too hot.  Instead of her regular latte the coffeemaker makes some oddly sweet drink.  That she can deal with…but when their three year old daughter becomes threatened by things the house is doing, Cecelia is ready to leave. She tries to tell Scott what is going on, but he doesn’t listen, instead he believes what Cecelia is experiencing is related to a home invasion that happened at their old home.  One where Cecelia killed the perpetrator.  But is that all there is?

Talk about a white knuckle, heart pounding read!  Somehow I missed Nina Laurin’s earlier books, GIRL LAST SEEN and WHAT MY SISTER KNEW, “finding” her only when I received STARER WIFE for review.  How I missed such a thrill ride writer I don’t know but you can believe I’ll be reading her earlier books and definitely anything she writes in the future.  As with STARTER WIFE I started A WOMAN ALONE one morning and read pretty much through the day not because I had time on my hands but because the book is so good I couldn’t make myself step away from it. 

At first I wasn’t so sure about this one because of the sci fi aspects – a totally house sounds great, but there was something creepy and unrealistic about it.  That changed as I read on.  Through her characters, mainly Cecelia but also Jessica and Clarisse, those aspects are explained.  It becomes more and more real and, in some cases, ominous and that just adds to how good the story is.  Cecelia is a complex character with many layers.  She has moments of strength when she tries to track down the mysterious Lydia.  And then there is the moment where she herself comes to terms with how everyone has always taken care of her, made decisions for her and now she must make her own choices. 

I both liked and hated the idea of Venture.  There were aspects I could really enjoy like having my coffee already made when I come downstairs in the morning.  But knowing my every move, almost before I do, is creepy.  I certainly didn’t see the ending coming and loved how it was done.

Nina Laurin is one author you have to put on your must read list.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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