Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to Larissa Ione's guest blog

Welcome Ms. Larissa Ione to Love Romances and More, thank you for joining us.

Thank you for having me!

Did you always want to become a writer?

Yep. From the time I could hold a pencil. I remember being a kid, and when someone would ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I’d say, “A veterinarian.” But I’d say it while the pencil was in my hand and I was writing a story. I wanted to be a writer, but it seemed like an impossible dream. So I kept up with the other answers (veterinarian, CSI, coroner, doctor…) until The Call actually happened.

What is the most, and the least interesting fact about writing?

Hmm…that’s a tough one. I find so much about writing to be interesting – at least, so much about publishing. The cover-making process is fascinating. I just love seeing the mockups and then watching how the final product changes. Least interesting? The bazillions of steps that your manuscript takes from the time you turn it in. Revisions. Line edits. Copyedits. Galleys.

How did you celebrate your first release? What was it like to see your book in a bookstore? Do you have a special ritual for celebrating a book release?

I celebrated my first release with a nice dinner and a bottle of champagne! It was AMAZING seeing my book in a bookstore. I took pictures of it on the shelf. I couldn’t believe MY book was right there, next to REAL authors. But sadly, I don’t have a special ritual for each book release. I break out champagne for sales, though!

How did your family react to fact that you also write romance novels? Have your family read your books?

My family has been supportive since the beginning, since before I was published. They have always encouraged me, and yes, they read my books. Even the erotic Sydney Croft ones!

Most authors are also avid readers. Is this the case with you? If so, who are some of your favorites?

Have any influenced your writing? I’m definitely an avid reader! If I’m not writing, I’m reading. I have SO many favorites…I’m lucky to belong to a group of authors at the Writeminded blog, because every one of them is a favorite. In addition, I adore a lot of non-romance authors, such as Robert Jordan, Sharon Kay Penman, George R. R. Martin…and yes, my earliest influences were Jack London, Sam Savitt, Stephen King.

Your characters come to life in your books. Do you feel each of your characters live with you as you write? Do their lives sometimes take over a part of your life? Can you name an example? Do you have living role models for your characters?

You know, I don’t usually use living role models for my characters. Mainly because I end up confused. My characters develop into their own beings, and when I try to use a real person to base them on, I often end up forcing them into actions that don’t fit the person they want to be.

And yes, I think sometimes they do take over a little! Sometimes I get mad at something I see on TV and think, geez, I really need to send Wraith after that idiot. Then I have to remind myself that Wraith doesn’t exist. Which sucks.

Where do you get the inspirations for your books?

Pretty much everywhere! TV is a big one, but I also get ideas from just watching real life. The idea for Snowbound came about while I was on a ski trip. The idea for Flesh to Fantasy was inspired by a story prompt at a message board, which went something like, “What would you do if a package was delivered to you by mistake, you opened it, and it was full of sex toys?” So I pretty much get them from all over the place!

Do you find it difficult at times to write love scenes?

I don’t find the content difficult to write, but I do find it hard to make each scene fresh and avoid using the same phrasing. And honestly, I really have to be in the mood to write something graphic and detailed. It’s sometimes really hard to pay such close attention to every sensation, every feeling, and every knee and elbow!

What is your favorite book from the books that you have written so far? Who are your favorite hero and heroine, and why?

Oh, this is like asking me to pick a favorite child! LOL! Okay, I would say that my favorite Ione book is Passion Unleashed, which is Wraith’s book, the third in the Demonica series. Wraith had a long way to go to get his happily ever after, and it was very emotional and fun to be there for it. My favorite Croft book would be Seduced By The Storm, the third ACRO book. I just think it really brought everything together well, and Faith and Wyatt were a great couple.

Favorite hero and heroine? That’s tough, because I think Shade and Runa (Desire Unchained) were really perfect for each other…Runa brought Shade down to a “human” level that he needed. But Wraith and Serena from Passion Unleashed…well, I love them together, because she just threw so many curve balls at poor Wraith, and he when he falls for her, he falls hard. He needs her in a bad way.

My favorite Croft couple, hands-down, is Kira and Ender, from Unleashing The Storm. I adore Kira…her softness, her love of animals, her refusal to put up with Ender’s crap. And Ender is a great hero, because he’s hard, but he turns to mush for Kira. And only Kira.

Which book was the hardest to write and which the easiest?

The hardest was Eidolon’s book, Pleasure Unbound, because finding a balance between a hard but likable heroine, plus a doctor who was a demon, was challenging. The easiest was Wraith’s book, Passion Unleashed. But again, going back to the Croft books, Unleashing the Storm was the easiest of any book I’ve ever written. It wrote itself.

If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?

Serena, from Passion Unleashed. Because she gets Wraith.

If you could travel through time to visit a special time period or famous person, what or who would it be and why?

I would love to visit medieval England. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to LIVE there. Just visit. I’m fascinated by all things medieval!

Do you listen to music while you are writing and if so what music is it?

Not usually. I prefer the TV for background noise.

If you could choose of your books for a movie, which one would it be and who would you as the cast?

Pleasure Unbound, though I think it would be better as a series rather than a movie. But cast? I really can’t come up with a cast. Probably has something to do with how I never use real life role models for my characters. I just can’t see anyone playing them.

Are you working on anything right now, and can you tell us a teaser about these projects?

I’m currently working on Demonica book 4, which is tentatively titled “Ecstasy Unveiled.” All I can say about it is that the hero is a new brother. *g* I’m also working on ACRO book 5 (Sydney Croft,) which is a lot of fun. Stephanie Tyler (my Croft writing partner) and I got to play with cryptozoology a lot, which is one of my passions. Chupacabras!

Thanks so much for having me as a guest! What great questions – I had fun! And if any of your readers would like a book, I’ll offer up a copy of any of my Demonica books, or, if they’ve read them all, I’ll offer instead a copy of Hot Nights, Dark Desires, an anthology with stories from Eden Bradley, Stephanie Tyler, and Sydney Croft.

Thanks again!!!!

Note about the contest: The winner will be drawn tomorrow, so please check back here if you are the lucky winner. You will have 7 days to contact me. Good luck, Danny


Greta said...

Just wanted to come by and say hi Larissa. Just two more days I can finally hold Wraith in my arms.

Greta Interview.

lillie_80 said...

Great interview! And I finally remembered the question I wanted to ask, LOL. How does the writing process with Stephanie work? Do you each work on a certain part of the book individually after plotting together? How does it flow so smoothly?

Larissa Ione said...

LOL, Greta! Wraith can't WAIT to be in your, um, arms! *g*

Lillie, great question! Steph and I actually have our own characters to write. I generally write the heroines, and she writes the heroes. When it comes to supporting characters, that can change. For example, Ryan is my guy, and Marlena and Meg are hers. We share Dev, but she's the main writer for him. So what we'll do is, I'll write a scene, pass the book to her, and she'll write a scene...we go back and forth, depending on which character is up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Larissa,

I really enjoy your Demonica series and just picked up the 2nd book.

What was the weirdest thing that inspired a story?

Thanks for coming.

Chris said...

That was a very good interview! I'm already looking forward to the 4th book. :)

Pamk said...

great interview and darnit I wish I had wraith in my hot little hands. And another brother do tell please.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic interview!

Raising a cyber toast to the release of Passion Unleashed tomorrow :)

The Brunette Librarian said...

Super duper excited about Wraith!

Marcia L. said...

Fantastic interview. Larissa, I love your books. When you're writing a book, do you do a lot of research for the story or do you have enough knowledge with the subject that you only need to do a little? For example,the storms and hurricanes you wrote about in the third book? Sorry I can't remember the title, my mind is stuffed with too much schoolwork. LOL!

Lisa said...

Great interview. Really enjoy your books.

Willa said...

*Following the breadcrumbs from Larissa's site*

Hi Larissa - is there a certain question you get asked all the time that makes you want to run, screaming into the night? Lol!

Just think - Wraith will be in bonny England soon! *grin*

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Could help but read your answer to Lillie's question. That is really neat. I know each author has their unique writing style.. so if you write a scene and then hers, does it tend to conflict with the overall style the book is written?

I know whenever me and a friend collaborate on a story for fun, our writings are totally different and one of us always has to rewrite to our own style.

Karin said...

Yet another great interview. I'm really looking forward to reading Wraith's book.

Anonymous said...

I have never read your books but I will be very soon. I can't believe I have missed reading your books. I love paranormal romance so your Demonica series is right up my alley. I look forward to hearing more about your books. Thanks for sharing your views.

Lisa T

Unknown said...

Great interview Larissa. I learn a lot about authors through interviews. Let me say I love your books and it amazes me that you and Stephainie work so well together. Keep up the good work.

Jane said...

Hi Larissa,
Can't wait to read "Passion Unleashed." I love Ender, too. Do you and Steph have any creative differences.

housemouse88 said...

Loved the interview. Have a great day. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

Sharon M said...

Great interview! I can't wait to get my hands on Wraith's book!!

Cathy M said...

Hi Larissa, love both the Accro and Demonica book series, so it's great to hear that we have more stories to look forward to.

Bama said...

Hi Larissa! Can't wait till Wraith my greedy little hands! Awesome Interview!

Barb P said...

Hi Larissa! Fantastic interview. Just wanted to stop by and let you know how awesome Demonica series is. I have read all three and I am literally salivating for more ** Drool, Drool, GRIN **. I can't wait for the 4th book. I also love the Sydney Croft series. Keep them coming PLEASE!

snulfers said...

I have Passion Unleashed on order. I cant what to get it.

Larissa Ione said...

Yikes! Leave for a few hours and you guys get busy!!!!

Thanks, everyone, for stopping by! So cool to see familiar and new faces!

To answer the questions:

Dawn...I think the weirdest thing that inspired a story was in my novella Flesh To Fantasy in Red Sage Secrets Vol. 18. I'd read a writing prompt once that said, "What would you do if the postman delivered a package to you by mistake, and you opened it and it was full of sex toys?" So I ran with that, and wrote a story about a shut-in heroine and a sexy paramedic who lives next door.

PamK, yes, a new brother! *g* Fun! Can't tell too much or it'll be a spoiler, but he's a hottie, and I'm writing him right now!

Marcia, great question! I actually love to do research, but I do try to write from knowledge. The books you mentioned -- those are from the Croft novels, and there is a lot of weather in them. I didn't have to do a lot of research because I worked in the field of weather for fifteen years, was trained as a meteorologist in the Air Force. I also try to do a lot of medical stuff because I'm fascinated by it and became an EMT. So yes, I love research, but I try to keep what I write in the realm of areas I know something about already.

Willa -- LOL, I have to say, when I hear "Where do you get your ideas?" I can almost answer automatically, because I get that a lot! It's a great question, but I'm running out of ways to answer it and keep it fresh! *g*

Raonaid -- you know, it's funny, but Steph and I have sort of developed a "Sydney voice," so we don't tend to create very different-sounding scenes. We also tend to go through each others' scenes and tweak in an effort to smooth out the rough spots.

Jane -- surprisingly, Steph and I don't have many creative differences. I'd say that about once per book we have to talk something out because we both see something differently, but we always resolve things quickly because ultimately, it comes down to what's best for the book, and we can see that. So far, it's been pretty smooth sailing! :)

Venus Vaughn said...

Please let me win! I follow you around, Larrisa, hoping that one of these days will smile on me and I'll finally have commented in the right space.

(It's not as creepy as it sounds, I swear)

Venus Vaughn said...

*looks around*
Did my comment disappear or is my browser messing with me?

Either way, I'd like to enter the contest pretty please.

Unknown said...

Loved the interview thank you so much. I would love to read 1 of your books and start this series, it sounds fabulous. Thanks for sharing your time with us today. Please throw my name in the hat.

Heather P. said...

What a great interview!! I can't wait for this book even though I just started the series.

Mona said...

Hi Larissa,
Great interview. The question about changing places with one of your characters, very well answered ;-)

Jamie said...

What a great interview and awesome questions. I can't wait until Wraith tomorrow and Larissa you are such a tease to tell us about a new brother and then just mosey

Carmen R said...

I can not wait to read Wraith's book.

Anonymous said...

Great interview Larissa! And finally we get Wraith soon! Counting down the hours until I can finally find it. :)

Unknown said...

Getting so excited about tomorrow and getting my copy of Wraith and Serena's story. I think my family isn't going to be seeing me for a couple days :)

Kammie said...

Enjoyed the interview! I would love to visit medieval England, too. Oh, and just like you, a visit only. :)

Mariee said...

Great interview! I'm looking forward to Demonica book #4 already :)

Barb P said...

Hi Larissa! Fantastic interview. I have read all of the Demonica books and all I have to say is wow! I loved them. I am also happy to say that I have also kept up with the sydney Croft books. Awesome also. But somehow I have missed Hot Nights Dark Desires. I would love a copy ** Grin **. I am also getting very excited about Demonica #4. It sounds great! When is it coming out? Did you say very soon? Have a good one!

Unknown said...

Great interview! Congrats on the release tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Larissa!

What an awesome interview and I really enjoyed reading "Pleasure Unbound."

I really want to read both "Passion Unchained" and "Passion Unleashed."

Can't wait until your 4th Demonica book comes out!

Terri W.

amdrane2 said...

Can't wait for the new book! I am patiently *wink wink* waiting on Wraith. Have a good week.

Caffey said...

Hi Larissa! Hope my post comes up! Seems its set to a email too and bounces back to me? So hope you see this!

I love chatting with you about this series (and too your Croft books!) Did you have alot written already before time? How you get so much written and how you do so much? Is it hard to juggle this all (writing, promo, etc).? Know its appreciated!

lrhubble said...

Loved the interview. I absolutely love the covers so far on this series. Very hot. Congrats on the newest release.


Anonymous said...

great interview
congrats on teh books


Lori T said...

Hi Larissa~

Wow, tomorrow is the day! I will be stopping by my bookstore as soon as I get off work to pick up a copy!

Great interview!!

Minna said...

Great interview!

Sue A. said...

Great interview! Happy to hear about Demonica book 4! An ideas on its release date?

Dannyfiredragon said...

And the winner is ... Kammie.

Big congrats please send me an e-mail at danny @

Thanks everyone for stopping by, please come back we have some great authors scheduled for guest blogs

Kammie said...

Happy Day...Thank you so much! Email on its way.