Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Welcome to Nalini Singh's guest blog

Welcome Ms. Nalini Singh to Love Romances and More, thank you for joining us.

Thanks for inviting me!

Big congrats to your newest, Angel’s blood, which is also the start of your new Guild Hunter series. Can you tell us some more about the book and series?

ANGELS’ BLOOD is set in a world where archangels rule over vampires and humans both. The vampires are tied to the angels by hundred-year contracts, and it’s when they run, trying to break those contracts, that the Guild Hunters are called in.

The world is dark, edgy, and sexy...just like the archangel, Raphael, who hires the protagonist, Elena, for the most dangerous hunt of her career.

What is your favorite book from the books that you have written so far? Who are your favorite hero and heroine, and why?

This is one question I can never answer – each story is unique, the same with the characters – I love them all.

If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?

Wow, tough question. I think I’d like be Mercy for a day. It’d be fun to find out what it’s like being a DarkRiver sentinel – plus I’d get tease Riley *evil grin*

If you could travel through time to visit a special time period or famous person, what or who would it be and why?

I’d love to back to the time of the pharoahs and just see everything – that period has such mystery attached to it.

Do you listen to music while you are writing and if so what music is it?

I often listen to music while writing the first draft – not so much when I’m editing. And it’s an eclectic blend from pop to rock, to ballads. Indian gazals, Bollywood music and the occasional Japanese pop song also feature.

If you could choose of your books for a movie, which one would it be and who would you as the cast?

I think Angels’ Blood would make a good movie, simply because of the visuals – the angels flying overhead, the Tower dominating Manhattan, the action sequences. The casting requires more thought – the characters are so very clear in my head, it’s hard to see anyone else in their roles.

Now that you started with your new series, I am wondering if you will continue with Psy/Changeling series? I would be more than a little sad to see this one end.

I love the Psy/Changeling series! I have so many stories yet to tell in this world. You’ll get BRANDED BY FIRE and BLAZE OF MEMORY this year, and I’ve just turned in a proposal for the next book.

Are you working on anything right now, and can you tell us a teaser about these projects?

Right now, I’m working on the next Guild Hunter book, tentatively titled ANGEL’S KISS. After that, I plan to write the next Psy/Changeling book (can’t tell you about that one yet as the proposal needs to be okayed first) – I’m looking forward to returning to that world.

Reviews of Nalini Singh's books:

Angel's Blood

An Enchanted Season

Caressed by ice

Hostage to Pleasure

Visions of Heat


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Singh and Danny,

I love the premise of this new series. I have ito nmy TBR list and hope to grab it soon. Sounds yummy. :)

Thanks for being here. I enjoyed learning more about you.
LRC Owner

Pam P said...

Hi Nalini, I don't how you manage to write two very different series with complex world-building and plots and keep it all straight, but I'm sure glad you do as it's looking like this new series is going to be another big success.

How many hours do you average in a week writing and plotting along with two series going now? Do you have time left for other pursuits and pleasures? LOL.

Nalini Singh said...

Dawn, thanks for the welcome! :)

Pam - I have no life *grin* More seriously, I have to be quite organized. When I have writing time, I focus absolutely on that. I make sure I get breaks/take holidays because it's both necessary and good for my writing :)

Shai Williams said...

I just had to pop in and say how much I love both of your series! You are one of the few author that are on my auto read list.

I did want to ask where the idea for your new series came from? You have one of the most unique takes on vampires that I have seen yet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini, I just had to tell you how much i love your books. Both your Psy/Changeling and now your Guild Hunter series are some of my favourites. I absolutely love your world-building and your characters. They are so unique and flow so well. I can't wait for Angel's Kiss to come out. And the wait for the release of Branded by Fire feels like forever. But I already know they'll be worth the wait (even if it does feel like its killing :D)

Unknown said...

Great interview! Congrats on the new release!

Nalini Singh said...

Shaiha - you know, I can't really tell you. I sat down with this image of a being with wings in a tower and it all went from there!

Kate A - thank you! :)

Thanks, Amy!