Publication Date: March 2009
ISBN: 978-0061568008
Reviewed by Gina

Fresh from his adventures in Egypt, back in the good graces of Napoleon, sort of, Ethan Gage is ready to begin his next adventure. Well, not exactly ready to begin. His preference is to pick up a bit of a stake so he can do a bit of gambling and secure his future. Fate or destiny or just luck, either rotten or good, intervenes and before long Ethan finds himself on the way back home to America. Along the way he is joined by Magnus Bloodhammer, a Norwegian with a mysterious map that he believes will lead them to Thor’s Hammer.
With a stop off in Washington, D.C. to meet with President Jefferson, who has his own mission in mind for Ethan, the unlikely pair head off for the Louisiana territory. Along the way they run into an interesting sister and brother team, Cecil and Aurora who had to leave England under remarkable, yet secret circumstances. Their little group is joined by several Indians, some quite friendly, some you wouldn’t want to run afoul of and after a brief respite, Ethan once again finds himself headed for adventure.
It is essentially a toss up which Ethan enjoys more—gambling or women. Then again, with Ethan, the pursuit of the fairer sex is much like gambling for the wayward adventurer. He is charming, inventive and you can’t help but want to get to know him a bit better. At times he surprises even himself with just how much science he knows, especially when it manages to save his life.
Ethan Gage is a wonderful character. He is multi-dimensional with a very human combination of flaws and foibles. His charm makes you want to pursue him, his wit, especially his self-deprecating sense of humor, makes you want to hang out with him. There are times you want to shake him and then his own inbred loyalty makes you glad to have met him, even if it is only on the pages of a book.
Once again William Dietrich has woven a story that is full of white knuckle adventure, breath holding thrills, a bit of a love story and a mix of historical fact that keeps readers coming back for more. The blending of different lores is woven in a voice that is uniquely his. With careful attention to detail, rather than bore with dry historical fact, Mr. Dietrich brings history to life. As with all of his books, the stories are ones that are easily enjoyed across generations and by both men and women. If there is one problem with this series it is that now I have to wait, yet again, for the next book. I cannot wait to find out where Ethan will venture next and what fascinating characters will share his story.
William Dietrich is a do not miss.
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