Welcome Ms. Nancy Haddock to Love Romances and More, thank you for joining us.
Did you always want to become a writer?
Oh, yes! According to my mother, I used to ask her to take dictation long before I learned to write and spell.
What is the most, and the least interesting fact about writing?
The most interesting aspect for me is “going out to play with my characters.” The least interesting aspect? Hmmm. That might be keeping up with the business aspects of publishing.
How did you celebrate your first release? What was it like to see your book in a bookstore? Do you have a special ritual for celebrating a book release?
I celebrated my first release by going to dinner with some family and friends, then going to the bookstore. Seeing my book on the shelf was surreal. I kept thinking, “Wow. Oh, wow. There it is! This is weird.”
We all bought books that night and took pictures, but I look so shell shocked in the photos that I tossed the lot of them. I also bought myself a balloon.
For the second book – the one just out – hubby and I did dinner, an Office Max trip for supplies, and then hit the bookstore. The photo we took this time is better – meaning I don’t look gob smacked – so I’ll post it on my site at some point. We also made a donut and Starbucks run, and I bought myself another balloon. I also have both books on my shelf.
My husband’s ritual is to buy the book on release day, and mine is to buy myself a balloon.
How did your family react to fact that you also write romance novels? Have your family read your books?
My mother – who wanted me to go back to teaching – was wildly excited about the first book. And bless her and her friends and my aunts, they all bought copies. My husband’s family was also supportive. Most of my family and friends have read my books, and no one seems the least bit embarrassed.
Most authors are also avid readers. Is this the case with you? If so, who are some of your favorites? Have any influenced your writing?
Oh, my, do I read! Lorraine Heath, P.C. & Kristin Cast, Joan Hess, Charlaine Harris, Robert Crais, Jan Burke, Robert B. Parker – the list goes on and on … and on!! I read mysteries, romance, adventures, historicals, and some of the classics. I’ll read just about anything, and I do go on binges of reading certain authors!
I think everyone I read influences my writing. I absorb nuances of description or emotional intensity or action scenes, etc. as I read, though I don’t do deep analysis of books. I can still read for pleasure, and I’ve found that I might be a more forgiving reader than some of my friends.
Your characters come to life in your books. Do you feel each of your characters live with you as you write? Do their lives sometimes take over a part of your life? Can you name an example? Do you have living role models for your characters?
Oh, yes, my characters live with me while I’m writing them, and it can get mighty crowded in the house and the car! We shop together, we get coffee together, we walk the beach together. I even taste foods and drinks that I wouldn’t normally eat in order to get into my characters’ skins a bit more. (Except for oysters. I won’t eat oysters for anyone!)
Examples of my characters taking over part of my life? I bought a clock for my heroine, Cesca – which was okay since it wasn’t too expensive and wasn’t 180 degrees from my own taste. I’ll also buy her favorite caramel drink at Starbucks. I drink it, of course, and it does help me shift more deeply into her, but it’s not my favorite.
I can’t think of a living role model for any of my characters, though they may share traits I’ve observed in others.
Where do you get the inspirations for your books?
Inspiration is everywhere! The idea for La Vida Vampire and the series grew from a line of dialogue I misheard in a peanut butter commercial. Watching a man on a beach as he lit a cigarette inspired another project. Sometimes I can run with an idea because it comes to me near-fully formed. More often, an idea needs to cook for six months or more before I can do more than make notes and do very rough character sketches.
Do you find it difficult at times to write love scenes?
I don’t write many on-screen love scenes. I have written them, and it’s not that difficult, but love scenes have to fit the characters and the tone of the book – and overall, how I want to write the book. My love scenes in La Vida Vampire and Last Vampire Standing have been very short. In fact, I write more pages leading up to a love scene and more pages of after glow.
What is your favorite book from the books that you have written so far? Who are your favorite hero and heroine, and why?
Since I’m writing a series with two books out, my favorite hero and heroine are Saber and Cesca. As for favorite book? I’ll have to go with Last Vampire Standing. I love the gun-toting seniors in my first book, but Jo-Jo cracked me up in the second book.
Which book was the hardest to write and which the easiest?
Again, with just the two out, I’d say Last Vampire Standing was a bit easier. Except for coming up with some vampire jokes. That was wrenching!
If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?
Easy! I’d trade places with Cesca. I wouldn’t like having to do the Starbloods thing, but she surfs a heck of a lot better than I do! I’d like to have her skill!
If you could travel through time to visit a special time period or famous person, what or who would it be and why?
I’d time travel to Regency England and visit Jane Austen. No doubt! I’m wild about this time period, and I’d adore visiting with Jane!
Do you listen to music while you are writing and if so what music is it?
I don’t listen to music while writing, not unless it’s New Age. If the music has a beat, I’m chair dancing. If I know the words, I’m singing along. Either one blows my focus.
I can listen to environmental sounds with music in the background, but again, only if I don’t know piece. Otherwise, I’m humming and drifting somewhere other than in my story.
If you could choose of your books for a movie, which one would it be and who would you as the cast?
Right now, I’d pick Last Vampire Standing, but I have no idea who I’d like to see cast. Oh, wait, except for one role. I’d love to be Shalimar Millie. She gets to tote a gun, and she has an ocean view condo. She rocks!
Big congrats to your newest release “Last Vampire Standing”, can you tell us something about the book and the series?
The series revolves around Cesca Marinelli, a 228- year old part day-walker vampire who was buried and forgotten for over 200 years. She comes out of the box in a time when vampires are a protected species, and sets her mind to living a normal afterlife.
After helping to catch a killer in La Vida Vampire, Cesca thinks her afterlife is back on track. She lives in the cottage behind her mentor’s Victorian house now, she has hot Deke Saber in her life, and she still gives ghost tours when she’s not studying interior design on line.
Then Jo-Jo the Jester crashes Cesca’s housewarming party and begs for her help to become a stand-up comic. Jo-Jo has escaped from the Atlanta nest to follow his dream, but Cesca soon learns he’s not funny – not when he means to be. She and Saber also discover that Jo-Jo’s brought big trouble on his trail – trouble that’s gunning for Cesca and those she loves.
Are you working on anything right now, and can you tell us a teaser about these projects?
I’m working on four things right now.
1. The third book in the Cesca series in which readers will finally get to connect with Triton in the human flesh.
2. A cozy mystery series that is not yet sold, also based in St. Augustine, Florida. The story features a young woman who is lucky in money but unlucky in love as she buys a beach-themed gift shop, then finds the previous owner dead.
3. Two screenplay ideas get my attention now and then, but I’m reworking both of them.
4. I’m also working on a ghost of an idea at this moment, but I’m excited about it!
Two lucky bloggers will get a copy of Last Vampire Standing. So stop by and say hello! Please check back tomorrow if you won, because if I don't here from the winner within 7 days, I am going to choose another one.
Congrats on your new release! Looks like I have another series to add to my ever-growing to-read list. :)
Hello Nancy,
Loved getting to know you a little bit through this interview. Your book sounds fascinating. Have a great day.
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for coming. It was nice to get to know you a bit. I love the Cesca series and look forward to reading the 2nd one once I get it.:)
Hi Nancy,
Your books sound great!! They are going on my wish list right away!!!!
Thanks for being here!!
How great is it that your inspiration came from a peanut butter commercial? Normally when I see a pb commercial, I think...hmm, chili sounds good :)
Looking forward this awesome vamp book!! :D
Love the new cover, can't wait to read it...great interview!!!!
Hey Nancy!! No idea how excited I am for this series! It sounds so great and is such a great idea for a new series. :)
Hey Nancy! Megga congrats on your newest release. I loved reading your interview, and it's funny how I always learn something new about my friends. Your future projects sound fabulous btw, and I'm always cheering you on!
Great cover, Nancy! And what a great interview. :) Congrats on the new release and here's to many sales!
Chris, thanks for your congrats on Last Vampire Standing! If you decide to try my books, I hope you'll enjoy them!
Housemouse, hi! Thanks for your kind words about my book, too! I appreciate your stopping by today!
Best on the drawing, ladies, and happy weekend!
Inspiration from a peanut butter commercial? How cool...Congrats on your new release, Nancy! My TBR pile just grew! :)
Dawn, I'm so tickled that you enjoy Cesca and the gang, and I appreciate being here with you!
Valerie, you're so sweet to put my books on your wish list - and I hope you'll enjoy them!
Rachie G, your comment about chili sounding good cracked me up! Sure glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee at the time! :)
Before I forget, my thanks to each of you for taking your precious time to come visit and comment today! Good luck in the drawing!
Hi Nancy!
Excellent interview. I love how you thought you looked "gob-smacked" when you saw your first book on the shelf. I was so shell-shocked I couldn't even find my first release on the shelf. My mother had to point it out. lol
LVS is on my tbr stack. Can't wait to dig into it!
Hi, Nancy. I can't wait to read this book too. You are awesome.
Hi Nancy, great answers. I loved La Vida Vampire, and the excerpt up for Last Vampire Standing was a hoot. Your humor totally works for me and I can't wait to read more in the Cesca series.
congrats on your new release and man that cover is fantastic. I know I need to pick up your first so I'm adding to my wish list right now.
Nancy, I was hoping your book would come today. I hope it comes tomorrow so i can read it right away! Good luck on your next series. I love your writing and the premise sounds like fun.
I am looking forward to reading these books. It would be great if I could win a copy.
Tessy and Michelle, thank you for your compliments on my cover! I have to say Penguin has rocked on those! In person they are irridescent, and can only think, "Oooh, bling!" :)
Lyoness, I hope you'll enjoy the series if you elect to read it! I do have fun with my characters!
LaDonna, I feel the same way when I read interviews my friends give. I love learning a bit more about them!
Amber Skyze, thank you for your congrats on the new release! I hope you'll enjoy the books!
Thank you ALL for your congrats, and for stopping by today!
Hi Nancy!
Wow, I do balloons, too. My hubby gets me one with each Call :) Aren't traditions great :) Wonderful interview, thanks for sharing.
Tracy, I love it that your mom had to point out your first book on the shelf. It is such a surreal moment and so many emotions are roiling, it's difficult to see anything!
Anonymous, thank you for your kind words! You are so kind to take time out of your day to come by!
Cathy M, I'm happy to hear my humor clicks with you. When an idea springs from a peanut butter commercial, you have to figure on some level of lightness.
Thanks again for visiting, y'all! I appreciate the pleasure of your company!
Oooh, Tracy, I just noticed that you'll be here on May 19th! Yippee!
Please remind me, okay?
Hi Nancy! Great to chat with you here Would love to read it!
You have a great husband in him too buying your book! Do you do book signings as well? I bet he's first in line too! I always said I wanted to visit Jane Austen as well. I just recently re-read P&P first time since HS and its really great doing a re-read! Haven't done one of those in a while!
Loved La Vida Vampire and can't wait to read the second in the series.
The peanut butter commercial is driving me crazy. What did you hear? And what was really said? Or is this a big "author mystery" you'll never tell? Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. [evil laugh]
Hi Nancy. Congrats on the new book! LVV is on my shelf and LVS is in the TBR pile.
I recently started reading PC and Kristen Cast and I'm a long time Robert B Parker fan. Nice to see you are too.
Best wishes for mega sales!
Great interview! Congrats on the new release!
Hi Nancy,
I'm reading La Vida Vampire now and loving it! I can't wait to read Last Vampire Standing! Interesting interview. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Romance Edged With Danger
I love the cover. The book sounds really good. I have added this series to my growing list.
Congrats on the new release Nancy. I love the cover and this sounds so good.
My goodness, you are very busy.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for the interview, Nancy. Two of my friends have told me I must read your series, so on my wishlist they went. I'm curious about that peanut butter commercial, too.
Wow this sounds like a great series! Good luck with the series! I'll watch for it in bookstores.
And the winners are.....
Michelle Miles
Ann Whitaker
Please send me an e-mail within the next 7 days at danny @ loveromancesandmore.com (leave out the spaces)
Hi All! Due to the comment moderation delay and me being gone for a booksigning, I'm getting to some of your posts late. Apologies!
Caffey, hi! So glad we have Jane Austen in common! My hubby does come to some booksignings, but he stayed home today. :)
Ann, I'll divulge the mystery of the peanut butter commercia ... one of these days. :) Maybe I'll whisper it to you!
Misty, I knew we had bunches in common! Thanks for having LVS on your tbr pile! You know that means the world to me!
Amy S., thank you for adding your congrats on the new release, and thanks for coming by to visit!
Diana, I'm so pleased to know you're enjoying LVV, and thank you for compliment on the interview!
Becky and Lori T, thank you for the cover kudos! As I said, I've been very fortunate with Penguin's art dept!
Pam, thank you for adding my books to your wishlist - and thanks to your friends for recommending my work!
Danielle, thank you for your good wishes on the series! If you try the books, I hope you'll like them!
Again, many thanks to each of you for taking your valuable time to drop by and comment! Have a terrific weekend!
Michelle and Ann, congratulations on winning copies of LVS!
For those who might still want to win a copy of the new book, I have a contest running on my web site, and I'll be doing giveaways on several more virtual tour blogs starting Monday and continuing on various days until about mid-June.
FMI, you can check my web site, or drop me an e-mail.
Danny, huge thanks to you and your colleagues at Loves Romances & More for inviting me here! It's always a pleasure to be with you!
Wow! Happy Mothers Day to me! Thanks, Nancy.
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