Sunday, May 17, 2009

Welcome to Sydney Croft's guest blog!


Everyone who knows me knows that my favorite season is winter. I really, really don’t like summer. So…why can’t I wait until it gets here?

Well, it’s not because of the long, sunny days, the heat, the time spent at the beach. Nope. I just like the fact that my son is out of school and I can sleep in, because sleeping in means getting onto my most preferred writing schedule; late nights.

And this summer I have 2 books to write: Demonica book 5, and ACRO book 6, the latter of which will pull together all of the plots and subplots from the first 5 books.

Speaking of which, book 4, Taming The Fire, has just released! This is the story of Trance, a powerful ACRO agent who appears briefly in Unleashing The Storm, and Rik, who is a lab-created shapeshifter escaped from the enemy agency, Itor.

Both of these characters are special and very different from others we’ve featured in the earlier books. Trance is an excedosapien with super strength, but he’s also got a hypnotic gaze that can stop an opponent in his/her tracks.

Rik is a woman with a beast living inside her – a beast so full of hate that the only way can keep it from rampaging is to dominate humans in the only way she can – sexually.

Trance, as a former Dom, is sent into the steamy world of BDSM as a sub to gain Rik’s trust and bring her into the ACRO fold before Itor finds her.

But Trance has control issues that surface as he’s forced to give it up, and Rik has trust issues and no intention of ever being captured by any agency.

This was a fun book to write, and Stephanie (Tyler) and I hope you enjoy it. And by the way – it was written in the summer!

Contest: One really lucky blogger will win a copy of Taming the fire. So stopy by and say hello and come back tomorrow to see if you were the lucky one.

Reviews of the ACRO books:

Hot Nights, Dark Desires

Seduced by the storm

Unleashing the storm


Anonymous said...

Hey Larissa and Stephanie :) this book sounds wonderful and I can't wait to read it.


Ann said...

Don't enter me in the contest, I already have a copy of Taming (awesome book, by the way), I just stopped by to say Hi, and see how the writing is going. :)

Chris said...

This is definitely on my to-read list!

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Just stopping by to drop a "Hi"

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. I have yet to read one of Sydney Croft's books but would love to change that. My library doesnt carry them adn I havent been able to buy any new books, but it is def on my TBB list when I can.

Lori T said...

Hi Larissa and Stephanie~

Your books are absolutely amazing! You create characters that I drag you into their stories and make you want to learn more about them.
I do not need to be entered because I had to go and pick up my copy the day it was released. I LOVED it! Now, I just need to pick up a copy of Hot Nights, Dark Desires.

Have a great rest of the weekend.

KT Grant said...

Hey ladies! Congrats on your future releases! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie/Larissa,

IDemonica series and just received Taming the Fire. Can't wait to delve into it. :)

Thanks for coming.

Lea said...

Hi Larissa!

Great post regarding "Taming The Fire". I have the book so please don't enter me in the draw, however I wanted to stop by and say I can't wait to read it.

I love the ACRO series, Trance and Rik's story sounds very unique (as are all the books of the series).

Warm Regards

Pam P said...

Sure am enjoying this series, Larissa and Stephanie, and I love reading at the beach in summer.

Lillie A said...

Since book 6 is bringing all the subplots together, does that mean the series is ending? :( *please say no, please say no*

donnas said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks for introducing me to it.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Cathy M said...

Hi Stephanie and Larissa, I love the Acro series and can't wait to read Trance's story.

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Hey Stephanie and Larissa!!!! Great post! I cannot wait to read any of the books. I have a pet peeve, where I have to have all the books to a series before I start reading... so I am up for the contest!!
You are guys are awesome!
Thanks for the contest!

tetewa said...

Congrats on the release, count me in!

Blanche said...

Hi Larissa and Stephanie!!

Great post! I love this series!!! Just wanted to come by and say hi! Please don't enter me since I have this book!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Larissa and Stephanie!

I haven't had a chance to read any books by Sydney Croft because I can't find them at my local library. I would love to though!

Definately enter me in the contest!


Terri W.

Anonymous said...

Great to see you here and hear about your books. Looks like I'm going to be checking them out and adding them to my wishlist...hehe!!!

I really enjoy reading what authors are up to, hearing how they got started writing and how they go through the writing process.

Don't be a stranger!!!


Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I <3 Larissa! I SOOOOOOOO need to read this series! I would love to win this book. It'll give me more incentive to buy the first book and get started!

This particular book interests me very much. I <3 shapeshifters! :)

Jane said...

Hi Stephanie and Larissa,
I love the ARCO series and can't wait to read "Taming the Fire."

Lisa F. said...

Congrats on the release!

I've been wanting to read this book. I just haven't had the chance to get it yet. Count me in!

Cybercliper said...

Sounds like a great book! I have all of the Demonica series and loved it. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I haven't read any of the Sydney Croft books...will try to do better :-)

The Brunette Librarian said...

Woo hoo! Sydney Croft! :D I have read all of the Larissa books (LOVED THEM!!!) and now I'm trying to hunt up the Sydney books. Our local library has one so it's on hold for me. :) Looking forward to checking her out.

Happy to see you out and about again. Always love to see you out in the blog-sphere and hear about your writing.

Thanks for entering me! rachie2004 AT

Lyoness2009 said...

Yay! One of the hottest authors out there! Can't wait to read it! :) All of the Ione books are fabulous!!

lyoness2009 AT

Anonymous said...

I'm still catching up on the Croft books but this one is on my list. Looks great! :)

Larissa Ione said...

Hi everyone!!! Thank you for stopping by! You guys are awesome! :)

Lillie, I'm not sure if there will be any more ACRO books or not after book 6. Steph and I want to keep writing as Sydney Croft, but we have an idea for a new series, so we might see if that flies! *g*

Anonymous said...

Taming the Fire sounds great!

Caffey said...

Hi Larissa and Stephanie! You are writing up a storm this summer! I love it! I honestly do love the winter or rather the spring and fall cuz I don't do good in the hot weather. But I love when its a good day and I get to get out under the tree and read and just get the big air outside! I haven't been to the beach in so long so I already promised myself that! I hope you grab those times you can to get out there!

Love to be in for this one! Thanks

Anonymous said...

hot book congrats
please count me in


Hilda said...

I hope I'm not too late to enter the contest but I had to try anyway! =)

*crosses fingers*

CrystalGB said...

Hi Lariss and Stephanie. Taming The Fire sounds great. Nice cover. :)

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Hi to both authors.

Katie S said...

This book sounds fantastic! Good luck on the new one books.

Anonymous said...

*crossing fingers that I'm not too late for the contest*

Congratulations on the release of Taming the Fire!! This is one HOT series!!

Dannyfiredragon said...

And the very lucky winner is ... Caffey

Big congrats, I sent Larissa your e-mail addy.

Dannyfiredragon said...

And the very lucky winner is ... Caffey

Big congrats, I sent Larissa your e-mail addy.

Pam P said...

WTG Cathie, congrats!

Caffey said...

Awesome I'm thrilled! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

u again cat lol
cognrats girl kh