
Welcome Ms. Lynn Crain to Love Romances and More, thank you for joining us.
You’re welcome and thanks for having me.
Did you always want to become a writer?
Yes. I started writing when I was 11 years old and have been doing it in one form or another since then.
What is the most, and the least interesting fact about writing?
For me, the most interesting fact is that I get to go to new and different places everyday. I’m not stuck on doing the same thing every day. The least interesting fact about writing is it is hard work. I get many people thinking it’s a glamorous job and everything is always great. There are days when I don’t want to write but make myself, there are days when I just wish I could travel the world with my husband and there are days when I know this is all I’ve ever wanted to be. Writing, like any profession, has good and bad aspects. It is one of those careers where you have to learn to go with the ups and downs and have a very thick skin.
How did you celebrate your first release? Do you have a special ritual for celebrating a book release?
I don’t recall that we had a big celebration or anything. My family and I went to a nice dinner. They all knew I had been working for it most of my life and were very happy with me.
I usually try to give myself something special when I have a new release any more since I have 14 and the number is going up. LOL!
How did your family react to fact that you also write romance novels? Have your family read your books?
My family has always supported me in anything I do and they know I write what I love. Romance is the genre that gives the most opportunity to new writers. I’ve branched out into other areas as well. I write erotic romance and science fiction plus I also do a lot of cross genre which combines all my loves.
Most authors are also avid readers. Is this the case with you? If so, who are some of your favorites? Have any influenced your writing?
Everything I read influences my writing. I wouldn’t be a writer if it didn’t. Right now, I’m on a science fiction romance kick. I’m reading Katherine Allred’s Close Encounters and after her, I have a few Linnea Sinclair’s in the stack as well as Vicki Peterson. I also read at least 1-2 ebooks a week as well.
Your characters come to life in your books. Do you feel each of your characters live with you as you write? Do their lives sometimes take over a part of your life? Can you name an example? Do you have living role models for your characters?
Absolutely. They are always with me when I write. My DH has told me that there are times when I first wake up where I’m talking to my characters and not him. LOL!
Sometimes it is hard to pull myself out of my books and return to the real world. A lot of this has to do with the fact some of my worlds are complicated places and I totally immerse myself in them. It takes a minute to shift. It’s like I’m in another dimension, hearing, seeing, smelling what I’ve created.
A good example would be the two books I’m working on right now. One is a science fiction erotic romance called More Than Robotics from my Orchid series and is set in a very distance time from now where our world is a group of space faring people. The other book is from my Protectors series call Of Earth and Fire. All the characters have a paranormal ability caused by technology and I use local settings for this series totally which definitely brings it to the forefront of my mind. When I’m writing and I try to pull myself from one of my worlds, I always have a moment of disorientation because I have basically embedded myself there.
Sometimes I have real life role models for my characters but most of the time I don’t. They’re all from my imagination. But that doesn’t mean I don’t use characteristics from people I know. There is always something of myself and my husband in the hero and heroine. It makes it easier to write. LOL!
Where do you get the inspirations for your books?
I think a better question would be, where don’t I get my inspiration? I take inspiration from everything. When my husband travelled a lot, I used to love to go to the airport early just so I could watch people. I am never without a pad and paper so I can write ideas, titles, characters, you name it, I write it down.
Do you find it difficult at times to write love scenes?
Sometimes. There are days when I just can’t get into it. I’ve been know to write in bold letters ‘insert love scene here’ in places. Most of the time it isn’t a problem as I start getting in the mood just by writing the story as making love is the normal progression of things. The times I really have problems are when I’ve stopped in the middle of a scene for whatever reason. It’s hard to get the same intensity as you had when you first started. Then I have to set the mood by listening to music, reading other love scenes I’ve written or just reading books period.
What is your favorite book from the books that you have written so far? Who are your favorite hero and heroine, and why?
Wow…this is hard…I would say the Orchid and Protectors series I’m working on for favourite books. It’s hard having just one favourite. I love all my books because if I didn’t I wouldn’t be writing the stories. My favourite characters are the two couple I’m working on right now. I just love Captain Bekka Taylor and Lieutenant Javed Malik as they are totally different from anyone I’ve ever done before. I also have the same feelings for the couple in Protectors, Endy Fyre and Hayden Keegan. They are almost opposite in every way but they need each other to complete their mission.
I just love these characters and find out something new about them each day.
Which book was the hardest to write and which the easiest?
I’m not sure there is one. I throw all my effort into the work or two I’m doing at the time. If the writing isn’t going well, it’s hard, if it is, it’s easy.
If there was one book I had to say this about it was probably my first book, Captive Illusions: Iain and Kelsey because it was delving into an area I knew nothing about but yet I was so driven to complete it, it was easy.
I’ve noticed that as my career is progressing, the drive to get things completed is different. It consumes me in a more known way whereas in the beginning, I was just trying to get the story done and submitted. Now, I have deadlines and write to those deadlines constantly which can make things hard or easy depending on the day.
If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?
In this moment in time it would be Bekka Taylor. I would love to be a Captain of a space ship who explores and saves other people and worlds. This character just has such a purpose in her life that is bigger than life.
If you could travel through time to visit a special time period or famous person, what or who would it be and why?
There are a lot of places in time I would love to visit and while I know you said one, actually two float to the top. One would be ancient Egypt as I am fascinated with the culture and everything about that period of history.
The other one would have to be the Vikings when they first went to Scotland which is basically, The Dark Ages, because things were so new and young and wild. I don’t know any other way to explain it at all.
I just think both of those places could teach me so much as each of them contributed to who we are as a society now.
Do you listen to music while you are writing and if so what music is it?
I always listen to music and it is a real eclectic mix. Most of the time I listen to soundtracks from movies I’ve seen with my favorite being the Conan soundtracks. Add to this mix celtic music, Melissa Etheridge, Matchbox Twenty, All American Rejects and a ton of others.
If you could choose of your books for a movie, which one would it be and who would you as the cast?
This is hard…and again…it would be two books, More Than Robotics and Of Earth and Fire. But the one I would do first would be More Than Robotics as I think it would have the most appeal. I’ve never really thought of a female lead but I absolutely know who I would have for the male. It would be Sendhil Ramamurthy from Heroes. He’s the first one I thought of when I started this character. He’s just yummy.
Are you working on anything right now, and can you tell us a teaser about these projects?
Here’s a teaser from More Than Robotics (eXtasy Books):
“That’s all for now and it’s most of what I know. But we all share the same concerns as I’m sure you have. Javed has the specifics on our next contact. And please don’t get mad at me for the unconventional way I have instructed him to give those orders to you. It was necessary.”
I turned to look at him suspiciously. “What is she talking about?”
In less than the blink of an eye, he was again by my side, pulling me up from my chair, his hands taking my face to gaze in my eyes. “Don’t struggle,” he whispered close to my ear. “I think we have prying eyes.” His lips came down fiercely on mine, his tongue snaking in to dominate me and I wanted to do the very thing he asked that I not do. Instead I tried to let myself enjoy the moment as it had been quite some time since I had had this type of human contact.
My hands gripped his waist and pulled him even closer to me. I could feel his legs press harder into me as his arms went completely around me. Within moments, I could feel the hard bulge of his body and mine responded in kind. There was nothing more I wanted to do except rip his clothes off that luscious male form.
He pulled away from me and shuddered, resting his forehead against mine. “We should really stop right now.” His brown eyes looked deep into mine and I nearly passed out as his next words flashed across my consciousness. You are an amazing woman and rest assured, we will finish this.
The last bit had exploded across my brain and I raised a shaky hand to rub my forehead. It was as if he were right inside me, whispering his thoughts.
Don’t fight it. Let it happen. The clonedroids helped us to perfect one of their technologies for our us. This is the major way they communicate between each other. You are now the proud owner of some audiobotic nanotechnology. They attach to your nerves for hearing and other pertainent areas of your brain associated with the function. From now on, we’ll be able to communication this way as we are attuned only to each other. No one else is on this frequency.
I glanced quickly toward the camera I knew Trevor had poised on us. You realize that Trevor was the only one spying on us, don’t you?
A slow lazy smile crossed his face and he gently caressed my cheek. That’s what you think. The other ability that we’ve been given is you will actually sense when someone is a clonedroid. It’s an ability they have as well as they can immediately tell who is clonedroid or who is human. Fallon 2 has been so helpful in our development of these abilities.
I swallowed hard. It would be hard but I knew what I had to do. “Just what do you think you were doing?”
A brief look of surprise crossed his face. Bravo! Well done. Fallon said that you’d be quick to adapt. And because you adapted so quickly, I know you haven’t been brainwashed. Those who have been have some difficulty when trying to access certain aspects of their brain which are necessary when using this technology.
Here’s one from Of Earth and Fire (Loose Id)
It appeared Aingeal tried hard not to laugh, while Lukas Everhard, her soulmate, didn’t even attempt to hold back as the rich sound of his mirth filled the room.
“Endy, maybe you need to relax,” Aingeal said and turned to Lukas, frowning at him. “Do you think we should get her drunk or something? But then again with you standing there laughing, no one can calm down.”
“No,” I stated a little too emphatically knowing liquor was an item I shouldn’t even touch. Been there, done that.
She turned back to me still frowning. “It would make you loosen up. And you definitely need to settle down. You’re so uptight and it’s making me uptight.”
“Honey, so would a massage or a steam bath or any number of different techniques. We’ve got to give her some time. Are you afraid you’ll hurt someone, Endy?”
Lukas looked at me, sympathy written plainly on his face and my mind drifted back to all my previous encounters with my ‘gift’ as they like to call it. While I didn’t remember anything bad happening when I worked with fire, something held me back from fulfilling my duty the moment I walked into this place. It was as if a very bad encounter could happen here if I did what I was meant to do. “I don’t think so. But if like you, my memory is clogged up, who knows what I’m capable of doing or not doing?”
Aingeal sighed and shook her head. “Girl, we all have our job and each of us is integral to the whole. Let’s try it again.”
I sat on the lab bench as I saw her toss an orb from hand to hand. Aingeal made the task look so easy. Slowly, I stood, held out my palm and felt the energy start to grow warm. Soon a small blue flame flickered in the center and I nurtured it into a full orb, making it get bigger by opening my mind even more to the power lurking just below the surface.
“That’s it, Endy. Concentrate and relax. Your hair is starting to change color like you said it would and you’re doing great!”
“Hey, Lukas, what —”
Without thinking, I turned, threw my flame at the intruder and watched it arc around him. He stood there, arms in front of his face. Eventually he peeked around his forearms and stared at me. Mortified at what I had done, I didn’t realize the flames inched up my arm toward my face and hair. I nearly died when I realized just who I had hit as I tried my hardest to get the flames under control.
“Sorry,” I muttered and started shaking my arm. Sitting down on the lab bench again, I started to pat the fire to put it out. While I might not burn, my clothes and sometimes my hair had the tendency to spontaneously combust when I was under an enormous amount of stress.
Lukas tossed a look in Aingeal’s direction. Nodding slightly, they both seemed to come to some unspoken agreement. “Why don’t I introduce you two? Endy Fyre, I’d like you to met Haydn Keegan.”
“Pleased to meet you,” I muttered and stuck out the hand which was not on fire.
“Endy, good to meet you too.”
He looked at me strangely as his big hand engulfed mine. A thousand fireworks set off by his touch lit up my insides. I had seen him in the mess hall but hadn’t been able to gather the courage to speak to him at all. Tall with boyish good looks and oozing with charm, his light green eyes reminded me of the cool serene waters surrounding a tropical island. Wonderful earth and wood scents with a slight undertone of musk were associated with him wherever he went. And his body…oh lordy me…his body was made for wild, wicked things. Things I wanted to do only with him.
“Ah…your eyebrow’s on fire,” he commented casually, removing his hand from mine to help me put out the flame. “Are you all right?”
Now I was more than mortified, I was humiliated too. I shut my eyes and shook my head. “No, I think I’ve done enough damage to myself and the world for one day. Don’t you?” Not waiting for an answer, I ran from the lab and back to my room intent on dousing the flames with a cold shower. Heaven knew that wasn’t the only reason to feel the cool liquid flow over my body.
I was in lust.
Hi Lynn,
I enjoyed reading your interview and it looks like you write stories in the genre I love!!!
I've been a science fiction fan since I can remember...hehe!!1 Coupled with romance, even hot romance, then whoohoo!!!! LOVE IT!!!
I'm going to go check out your books!!
Thanks, Valerie! I know I'll have something you enjoy!
And I'm like you, I have loved science fiction and romance forever. I just wish there was more of it.
Hi Lynn,
Greetings from Australia.
Nice interview.
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