Date published: September 2008
ISBN: 978-1-935192-13-8
Fantasy M/M
Paperback and E book formats
Reviewed by Dawn

CLICK TO PURCHASE AS EBOOK! Travis always found his family’s unspoiled track of land as a place to unwind and relax from life’s lessons. Years later, with the death of his father, Travis finds himself the owner of said land and decides to explore it more fully. Feeling happier than he has been, Travis finds himself face to face with the man who has haunted his dreams and boy, is he sexy. Cembran is a man with secrets and as both men find their hearts joining as one, Cembran’s secrets are about to explode as his past comes back to haunt Travis and destroy the life Cembran has built for himself. Can both men find a way to live their lives without threats to themselves, to their woodlands and to the magical beings who Travis thought where just fairytales?
CHILDEN OF BACCHUS is basically told in two parts. The first part is about how Travis meets Cembran and finds out that he is a half-satyr, half-human being. With cute little horns and a tail he can make disappear, Cembran is also the man whose face has haunted Travis’s dreams for so long. As they get to know one another, passion stirs between them and it is molten hot. Both characters don’t just hit the sheets as Mr. Grey delivers a romance between the two that builds up to the sex scenes that are in itself, sweet and erotic. I enjoyed how Cembran and Travis fought with everything they had to be together and their romance had a nice build up for the reader to enjoy. Part two was more playful and sexier. This time it was lighter, relaxed and more playful in a sense. The characters were great and you met some of them in the first part of CHILDREN OF BACCHUS.
With some really good writing, a nice build up to the sex and an emphasis on a relationship instead of just boinking one another repeatedly, Mr. Grey weaves a subtle spell around you as you read the CHILDREN OF BACCHUS. I loved the way he keeps the readers attention throughout with some lighter moments and then some really heavy ones throughout the story. Each part flows seamlessly into the other and I look forward to reading more of the Bacchus world. If you enjoy a well told story on Satyr’s then grab CHILDREN OF BACCHUS for an evening of summer reading pleasure.
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