Publisher: Shadowfire Press
Date issued: July 2009
ISBN: None given
Short twisted fairy tale
Reviewed by Valerie

CLICK TO PURCHASE! The Most Beautiful, Princess Phillia, is a happy girl. The Beast Most Foul has chosen her and to be chosen by him, means she must be the most beautiful princess. Now she needs to wait until a handsome prince, or a brave knight comes to rescue her. That is traditional after all. Prince Charming needs a bride and who better than Princess Phillia, the Most Beautiful Princess in all the land. But he needs to rescue her from the Beast Most Foul who has her captured in a tower made of black glass. So off he goes and in the traditional manner, rescues his princess. Now he is ready for his traditional happy end, but will there be a happy end, let alone a traditional one?
I just adore these short little fairy tales that Ms. Woodrum has conjured up. They are very quick reads that are very wittily written and leave you gasping in surprise at the end. They are not erotic, but have the potential to be so. They certainly left me with some little fantasies of my own. In this story, all goes as tradition decrees, until....and I can’t tell you. You will have to pick this story up and I guarantee you won’t regret it, as it’s a bargain at the price. I do hope that Ms. Woodrum continues to write these little shorts. I could imagine them all in one printed volume with a title like: Not Your Mama’s Fairy Tales, or something like that. If you do read this one and the others, please comment on the blog and tell me how you liked them.
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