Friday, October 16, 2009

LYCAN TIDES Guardians of Light book 3 by Renee Wildes

Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Date published: July 2009
ISBN: 978-1-60504-623-5
Fantasy Romance/Series
Obtained via: self-purchase
Reviewed by Dawn

For Finora, her life was doomed when one moonlit night, she gave into a passion and ended up losing her selkie skin to the one man who took its secret hiding spot to the watery grave, she is not a big believer in miracles right now. Seven years has passed and two kids later, Finora finds herself drawn to a man who she rescues from the sea. Trystan is on a mission to get the dragons back to his homeland. He doesn’t expect to find a searing passion that leaves him aching to posses the one woman he knows he can never have. For a werewolf and a selkie are ruled by the moon; one needs to be by the sea, the other needs to go back to the mountains. Finora and Trystan find that sometimes destiny has a hand in your life after all.

LYCAN TIDES is a delightfully wonderfully told story that will keep you engrossed till the very end. It has mystery, curses, searing passion and more, all within its pages. Ms. Wildes is fast becoming this reviewer’s favorite writer to enjoy and her Guardians of Light series is wonderfully intriguing. With each book, the reader is lost in a world full of mythical creatures, mysteries and more. I really enjoyed the way Finora and Trystan knew they couldn’t be together yet were determined to enjoy what they had right now.

open with Finora trying to persuade her husband from leaving as she has a bad feeling about this one job. Not to be persuaded, he leaves and with his death that comes to pass, the secret of her selkie skin is lost as well……or so she thinks. When she rescues Trystan from a pirate attack and nurses him back to health, she finds a man who stirs her like none has before. Not believing in miracles anymore, she has to find a way to help Trystan on his mission while trying to stay alive in the process. These two characters are pure combustion. Some powerful sexual tension radiates between them and when they come together it almost magical. You definitely get to know the characters hearts in LYCAN TIDES and the reader is not disappointed either. Ms. Wildes delivers some interesting secondary characters that keep the storyline flowing smoothly and also keeps the reader intrigued as well.

LYCAN TIDES definitely keeps the readers attention as you go through Finora and Trystan’s adventures and feel the heat of their forbidden passion. I am looking forward to more Guardians of Light books in the future and hope you check out this enigmatic author. I do note even though this can be read as a stand alone, I recommend reading the first two in the series: Duality and Hedda’s Sword first.


1 comment:

Renee Wildes said...

Aww - thanks, Dawn! Trystan first got to me in Duality, and I knew he had to have his own book. I've always wanted to do a selkie tale, and Finora is my tribute to single moms everywhere. I stand in awe of your strength and heart!
