Publisher: Ballantine
Date publisher: November 2009
ISBN: 978-0345495945
Urban fantasy romance
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained by publisher

Meredith Gentry, princess of faerie is pregnant with twins that have been fathered by her royal guards. Every corner there is danger as her foes try to separate her from her lovers. It looks like she has lost Frost. Her other lovers are being attacked with words and steel. Meredith is tired of seeing the ones she loves get hurt. She doesn't want to lose anyone. She especially doesn't want to die. She has many allies among the goblins and the sluagh. Each day, more and more magic is being released and Meredith is getting stronger in magic. Everyone who tries to cross her pays a terrible price. The Goddess is watching over her and helping her. But, she will have to battle her bloodiest battle and make a most difficult decision if she is to stay alive long enough to have her twins and save the lives of their fathers.
Before I start to tell you how much I loved this book, I would ask the many fans of Laurell K. Hamilton to put their rotten tomatoes away. This is the first book I've read and it looks like the last of the series, although I hope not. I have most of the series on my bookshelf but I haven't gotten to them yet. Now, after reading this exciting, fast-paced, breathless story, I will have to immediately start from the beginning of the series. Where do I start? I loved the characters, the plot, the fast-paced writing. This is a book I will have to read again when I have finished the books before. This was an story full of emotions, hot sex scenes, non-stop action and wild magic. Just when you think you know what's happening, this clever author takes you in a totally different direction. It's a roller coaster ride and you'd better hang on to your seat. Now to get on to the backlist!
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.
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