Friday, April 2, 2010

MOON’S FURY Tales of the Sazi, Book 5 by C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp

Publisher: Tor Books
Date published: December 2009
ISBN: 978-0-7653-6510-1
Paranormal Romantic Adventure
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by T. Barringer
Obtained via: publisher

C.T. Adams’ and Cathy Clamp’s fifth Sazi tale, MOON’S FURY is a paranormal maze of passion and pack politics.

Adam Mueller, former Minneapolis policeman, has been told that he must integrate his local werewolf pack into a small red wolf pack in Texas. Cara Salinas has been the Mexican red wolf pack alpha from the time she was thirteen and finds out about the pack integration only after Adam shows up in her territory. Adam and Cara have more than normal pack politics to straighten out. A pack of vicious Sazi raptors are feeding on pack children and it will take their combined efforts to save their wolves.

Adam and Cara spark sexual awareness from the first moment. It is obvious that they are fated to become mates. What is not so obvious is if they will get the chance to realize their shared destiny. Adam’s arrival is surrounded with misdirection and trickery. Luckily for him and unfortunate for his scheming pack alpha, Texan wolves are not so quick to jump to conclusions and take the time to unravel exactly what is going on.

Adams and Clamp once again do a marvelous job of taking the stumbling blocks to their heroes’ happy ending and making that the story, with their romance more of a background story. The minor characters are all strong in their own right and will undoubtedly show up in future stories. The storyline unravels at a nice rate as questions are answered and new ones asked. Having read several other Adams/Clamp collaborations, this reader was pleased to see that once again this dynamic duo has delivered a paranormal tale of intrigue, passion and pack politics with their latest Sazi tale, MOON’S FURY. As long as they keep penning them, this reader will keep buying them.


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