Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RAISING ATLANTIS by Thomas Greanias

Publisher: Pocket Books
Date published:May 2006
ISBN: 978-1416524458
Fantasy, Thriller
Reviewed by Gina
Obtained via: Library

Adventurer/archeologist/neer-do-well Conrad Yeats has spent most of his life on a quest -- to find out who he really is. His father, General Yeats, told him a noble story about helping out a dying friend, yet something about that tale just doesn't ring true. Conrad isn't merely drawn to historical sites, it is a calling. That said, he's not above a little twisting and turning to get what he wants. Banned from Egypt and a few other countries, he is getting by as an on-the-spot reporter at ancient venues.

Serena Serghetti has a mission as well. The former nun, known as Mother Earth, seeks to use her talents as a linguist to save planet Earth. Both drawn to and repelled by Conrad she fights an internal battle over what to do about the adventurer.

When anomalous geological events begin to occur in Antarctica, Conrad is summoned by his father and the Pope sends Serena to the frozen continent. What they find there may change life as we know and believe on planet Earth. The problem is, can they survive what they find?

I stumbled on to Mr. Greanias quite by accident. On my way to pick up a DVD at the library I spotted his Atlantis Prophecy on the top picks reads shelf. With my own long time interest in Atlantis I could not resist. I am also one of those readers who has to read a series in order and proceeded to order RAISING ATLANTIS.

RAISING ATLANTIS posits not only is the lost continent hidden beneath the icy continent, but its secrets are more startling than we can imagine. I struggled a bit with the Roman Catholic referrals in portions of the book, but it does have a bearing on the story's outcome. The beginning was completely believable and I could see the events actually unfolding. With a daring hero who is utterly human in his foibles and a heroine who, despite her departure from her vows, holds to her most basic beliefs the combination is winning. Conrad's father's departure from the story left me wondering "what was that about?" It moved the story from a thriller to fantasy and I'm not really a fan of fantasy. That said, as soon as the elder Yeats is removed from the book, the story continues with non-stop action.

Fans of Atlantis theory will enjoy RAISING ATLANTIS, readers looking for an action packed read will find they cannot put it down.


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