Publisher: Bantam Dell
Date published: May 2010
ISBN: 978-0-440-24571-1
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
Mass Market Paperback
Reviewed by Dawn
Obtained via Self-Purchase

Riley Jenson has seen it, done it and is finally fed up with it while working for the Directorate. The aftermath of her wolf soul mate, Kye, being killed by her hand has left its imprint inside her soul with despair, anger and fear. Riley questions everything that made her the person she is and when a long ago enemy returns for his revenge, it will take Riley all that she has to unravel the threads of her life because if she doesn’t, it will mean her death.
MOON SWORN is the ninth and final book in the Riley Jenson series and one I am sad to see end, though in a blaze of glory-Riley style. Ms. Arthur captivates you from the beginning and delivers a story that tie up the loose ends from previous books and shows the reader a more mature Riley. Well a Riley that is filled with doubts, fears and a growing desire to be done with killing that she is forced to do for the Directorate. Tight writing, action packed and many twists will leave you spell bound until the very end. You will laugh, cry and swoon as Riley figures out what she wants and how to get it while kicking butt from here to eternity.
In MOON SWORN, Riley is back on the job after months healing from the effects of her encounter with the now-dead Kye. Shaken by everything, Riley still has to come to grips with what has happened and with her vampire lover, Quinn, her twin brothers Rhoan and Liander, she finds the strength to move on to a life that will make her happy now, not just what she has dreamed of since she was a pup. What I like about Riley is that she grows with each book and every experience put in front of her. With each novel in this series we see Riley encounter things and people that would normally scare the heck out of me but she goes in determined to save who she can without killing-well unless she has no choice to kill that is. Ms. Arthur creates a heroine that steals your heart be it in the form of joking with Rhoan, taking down a bad guy or falling for the vampire who has her heart. I love the fact Riley has learned to accept help from her friends and to know when to say “enough is enough, I want a normal life.” You will be blown away by her evolvement in MOON SWORN and one that is a satisfying ending to a wonderful series.
MOON SWORN is not just an end of one series but one that will leave you clamoring for more. Ms. Arthur finally delivers Riley’s happily ever after and in a way that will leave you crying a few tears of happiness even as you mourn the ending of this chapter for Riley. I am eager to see if the spin-off will be just as good and hope that eventually Ms. Arthur will come back to Riley and her pack mates again. I would love to revisit them in the future. In the meantime, I will re-read my entire series and as I laugh, cry and smile, I will do so with sense of happiness as Riley finally finds the life she so richly deserves. Run-don’t walk-to grab this exciting finale to a wonderful series. MOON SWORN is a perfect swan song to a series that will give you hours of reading pleasure.
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.
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