Monday, August 9, 2010

THE BIG 5-OH! by Sandra D Bricker

Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: February 2010
ISBN: 978-1426702358
Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by Penny
Obtained via: Library

Olivia Wallace’s birthday is coming up and she is dreading it. It seems that she has some sort of bad-luck-birthday streak. If something is going to go wrong in her life, it always happens on her birthday! Such as being diagnosed with cancer. In order to escape this year’s fiasco, she leaves cold and snowy Ohio to house and dog sit for her best friend’s mother in Florida. When she meets Dr. Jared Hunt she thinks maybe her luck has turned around. But has it really? Liv isn’t going to stop expecting the worst. Bad things can happen even in a tropical paradise such as sunny Florida.

This book is laugh-out-loud funny and tickled my funny bone! I have not before read any works by author Sandra D Bricker, but I sincerely hope that THE BIG 5-OH! is not my last. At first, Olivia came across as a cranky woman who I felt had no business being a leading lady. She snipped at a poor flatulent dog, had a snitty fit at an elderly neighbor who had been coming to swim in the pool for ages. But soon my opinion of her turned around and I decided that once she reversed her attitude, Liv was a good duck after all. And Jared is such a honey pie! He is patient, most kind, and of course handsome as every leading man should be. At times I felt that Liv did not deserve him, but of course I was rooting for a happily-ever-after, nonetheless!

If you haven’t read a book by Ms Bricker, then this is a good one to start with. I snagged this one at my public library while on a trip there with my kids. It was well worth the time I invested and I will be on the lookout for more of her work.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sandra has another book out in September called Always The Baker, Never the Bride. You'll love it too! I love her humor.