Sunday, July 17, 2011


Publisher: Berkley
Date published: January 2011
ISBN: 978-0425239216
Historical paranormal romance
Reviewed by Valerie
Needs amazon link
Obtained by publisher

(4 heart)

When Gunnar the Red saves Lady Eleanor de Neville from a fire he feels that this may just be the woman to save him from his curse. He and other Vikings have been cursed by a witch to live out their lives as half men and half beast. By night, Gunnar is a man and by day a great, big bull. It is not easy to keep his secret and he must make excuses why he has to leave the great hall every day, but at night, he can come and woo the lady he loves. Eleanor falls for the handsome man, but she has been promised to another and her father is having a fit over her preference for Gunnar. When her father forces her to marry, Gunnar feels all is lost and he will never have the chance to be free from his curse, but true love has a way of winning in spite of all obstacles.
This is a really great story. When I started reading it, I thought, okay, I know where this is going. It’s probably going to be a predictable read. But was I wrong! Lisa Hendrix knows how to take a story that you think you know all the answers to, into depths and heights you cannot imagine. There are so many twists and turns and things happening where your jaw will drop that I was frantically turning the pages to see what would happen next. It looks like an impossible relationship, between Gunnar and Eleanor, but although the obstacles are great, you’ll get goose bumps when you get to the end. I really enjoyed reading about the other Viking warriors who have been cursed and I really need to get the other books that are already out, Immortal Warrior and Immortal Outlaw. I am also very curious about Brand’s story. He’s the warrior who turns into a bear and has to be locked up while in his bear form! And I hope the witch Cwen, gets what is coming to her in the end.

Thanks Ms. Hendrix for a fabulous read!

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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