Tuesday, September 13, 2011

THE LETTER Z by Marie Sexton

Coda Series, Book 3
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Date published. May 2010
ISBN: 978-1-61581-460-2
Contemporary GBLT
Reviewed by Dawn
Obtained by Self-Purchase

Zach and Angelo have settled in Coda, Colorado and found friends in Matt and Jared. When a decision between Zach and Angelo causes issues between Jared and Angelo, things turn tense between the four friends. A surprise trip to Las Vegas has Angelo hoping things are turning around but a chance meeting with Zach’s ex, Jonathon, who causes Angelo to question everything he has with Zach. Friends can be the best thing to clear an issue but also the worst thing as well. Can these four friends learn that love is different for each couple as they navigate the bonds of love & friendship?

Marie Sexton is one talented author and one I absolutely adore. When I first met Zach and Angelo in A to Z and Jared and Matt in PROMISES, I fell in love with the Coda Series. Each time I open one of this author’s books, I am transported to Coda and find myself wishing this was a real live place to visit. I bet it would be fun to see these four friends together. This is a realistic romance series that will steal your heart away from the very first page. I do recommend reading the series in order so you can follow the romance between these two couples from the beginning (PROMISES, A TO Z are the first two books). I have got to mention also, the relationships these two couples have are vastly different and the reader needs to keep that in mind that what works for one couple may not work for them when they read this series. Love is universal; it is all about seeing what works for you and your partner(s) that is the underlying theme in this series.

THE LETTER Z has a wonderful cast of characters that fairly step off the pages and I can totally relate to. Who hasn’t had an ex show up and try to stir trouble in a new relationship? The characters are what make this series so enjoyable in my opinion. They are life like, with emotions, fears and vulnerabilities that come across the pages and you will either love them or hate them. I found Angelo as wonderfully abrasive as ever. He grows on you. You can either love him or hate him but over all, he made me want to give him a cold beer and a shoulder to lean on whenever things got tense for him. I loved seeing Jared and Matt again and can’t wait for more one on one time with both couples in future books in the Coda Series.

Marie Sexton delivers a story that can be controversial to some readers yet works well in the Coda series. There are two points of views going on-Matt and Angelo. This worked really well as we got to see both sides of the story and made THE LETTER Z much more interesting. What this author shows is how each relationship is different and still quite beautiful. If you are looking for a series to explore, then I highly recommend this one. Ms. Sexton is quite a talented author and I am eager to see what happens next in Coda, Colorado. This may not be for everyone but if you give it try, keep in mind that this is a story that has a hot button issue but if you get past that, you will see the heart of what this story is all about.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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