Monday, October 10, 2011

THE LONE WARRIOR by Denise Rossetti

Publisher: Berkley Trade
Date published: May 2011
ISBN: 978-0425240915
Fantasy romance
Trade Paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
Obtained by publisher

Walker is the survivor of a massacre that wiped out all his people. He now devotes his life to revenge and has vowed to kill the demon warriors, who were responsible for the terrible killings. Now, however, he is after a different prey. An assassin who tried to kill his friend. When he finds her, he marks her so that she cannot get away from him without dying and he makes her his slave. She needs to take care of her victim while he heals.

Mehcredi was abandoned as a child and has no inkling on how to relate to other people. Always put down, told she was stupid, she grew up not knowing love. She is drawn to Walker and as she has to work with him and the others around her, she slowly learns and falls in love with him. But there is a great evil out there that wants to kill them both, and he is willing to go to great lengths to do so. Will their new found love get snuffed out before it has a chance to grow?

I loved this book. I adored the characters. Walker especially called to me…sigh! I loved how Mehcredi grew in this story. From the bumbling woman to a confident, brave one, it was a joy to go on this journey with her. The pages fairly sizzled with sexual tension as the spark that started at the beginning of the story grew and grew, until the reader is satisfied along with the characters when the passion is fulfilled. Mehcredi just walked through poor Walker’s resistance and he didn’t stand a chance. There were some truly hot and very sensual love scenes in this story. The plot was fascinating and the secondary characters were just as interesting as the main ones.

Ms Rossetti really knows how to capture her readers and hold them. I could hardly put this book down and wished I could have read it in one sitting. So beware, if you pick this one up…it may have you reading way into the night. There are two other books before this one that tell the story of some of the other characters. They are THE FLAME AND THE SHADOW and THIEF OF LIGHT. I am certainly adding them to my ‘to buy’ list.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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