Monday, October 10, 2011


The League of Second Sons
Publisher: Grand Central-Forever
Date: May 23011
ISBN: 978-0446572750
Mass Market Paperback
Historical Romance
Reviewed by Pam
Obtained from publisher

Viola Whedon has perfected the art of seduction and now, has well heeled men all over London vying to be her protector. Her lusty memoirs are a success, they even have tales of Lords begging to be her next conquest, while she writes her next book.
Viola is a courtesan, an expert at seducing men and has become well known for being the seducer. Believing her own words, ‘to be incapable of being seduced,’ until she meets, Leonidas Vaughn.

Vaughn agrees to protect her from the lords who harass her, all wanting a page or perhaps a paragraph about them in her new book. He also wants her help in finding his family’s wealth, but another relative, a very dangerous one, also wants the treasure and the bonus of Viola in his bed.

From the great opening chapter to the last paragraph, RIPE FOR PLEASURE, had me hooked to the unexpected ending. Ms. Carr has found a way to build tension, while keeping the readers turning pages and enjoying every minute.
They are two world weary people, who have never found true love. When the sexy hero manages to worm his way into the heroine’s bed, he’s shocked to find she gives him all his fantasies. When his mother begins to question Viola about her intentions with her son, it felt quite topsy-turvy as his mother put it, ‘paste instead of diamonds.’ With family members who seem a bit crazy, especially the duchess, and Leon’s sister who is also slightly different, it all comes together with laughter and very hot love scenes.

The hero and heroine are well drawn and very interesting. The disreputable villain, the hero’s brother was also a surprising person, with a vendetta and his own self worth to prove. So if you want a book with a bit of a difference try this one, as I found it to be quite fascinating.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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