Date published: April 2012
ISBN 1619265427
Romantic Suspense
Reviewed by Helen
Obtained via publisher.

FBI agent Tim Casey is sent to investigate the crime but instead falls in love with Zane. His determination matches hers and together they face all sorts of difficulties in solving the crime and getting on with their lives.
I chose to review this book because it’s doing very well sales-wise. It’s in the top ten bestsellers for mainstream books at BookStrand, which made me want to read it. Unfortunately, it simply proves the unkind saying that the best-written books are not necessarily best sellers.
I struggled to read this book right from the very start, due to the author’s overuse of sentences beginning with “while”, “when” and present participles, generally in a clause comma clause construction that I found slow and clunky. The author’s intermittent use of contractions, even in direct speech, also made the story slow to my mind. A number of paragraphs seemed to be a jumble of two or three different thoughts all mixed together.
Apart from that, I thought the authorities seemed unusually incompetent, revealing all sorts of information to the media that I felt certain should have been kept confidential. Several legal and medical “facts” are actually quite wrong, and I guessed the villain in the first quarter of the book.
However, it is true this book is selling well for the author, so I can only assume it’s because her characters are genuinely likable.
This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.
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