Publisher: Amber Allure
Date published: June 3rd, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-61124-288-1
Contemporary M/M
Obtained by publisher
Reviewed by Dawn

Jason Davis dealt with his latest break up. He dealt with the mortgage and the struggling business. Plus he has dealt with the shoulder injury that has him on his knees in pain most nights but hey, he is handling that just fine, thank-you-very-much. What he can’t handle is when it hits him all at once and now Jason has to figure out how to pay the bills, keep his struggling club open and find a way to deal with the chronic pain that won’t have him popping pills constantly. So taking a friend’s advice to try acupuncture, he relents and meets Michael Whitman.
A single dad, Michael is trying to make ends meet and still do what he loves which is helping people deal with their conditions and Jason Davis is a man who desperately needs his help. When Jason asks Michael to be his roommate so they both can save some money, Michael jumps at the chance and both find out that in close proximity, sparks fly, desires flare and for Jason, wanting Michael is driving him insane with need. Because Michael is straight….right?
Author L.A. Witt introduces readers to the town of Tucker Springs, Colorado. It has wonderful mountain views, great universities and a high living cost. We meet Jason who is dealing with a down economy, a mortgage on a house he thought he was sharing with his partner, who up and left him & with a crippling shoulder injury that leaves him some nights withering in pain. The characters are the star attractions in this series and I was thrilled to be introduced to the town by this author. With her trademark writing style, Ms. Witt delivers a story of two people who are perfect for one another yet find obstacles in their way. The writing is tight, story moves at a nice even pace & the characters shine brightly amid the pages.
Meet Jason Davis. A man with a business he is determined to keep going, a mortgage he thought he would be able to afford when he was with his lover but hey, life tosses lemons some days and in this case, hit Jason squarely in the jaw several times. Now, at the end of his breaking point, he tries acupuncture for his shoulder and meets a man who stirs his senses, revs his libido and makes him want to do dirty things to. Michael Whitman is trying to make ends meet, especially since he helps raise his son half the time with his ex., jumping at the chance to roommate with Michael, both find themselves drawn to one another. But Michael is straight…right? I love these two characters together. Michael is laid back, knows the advantages of alternative medicine and knows he can help Jason. Jason is tense and in pain. The author does a great job in letting the readers see into his pain and how much it costs him every time it flares up. I love how these two are together. They are the perfect pair and each one gives the other something as well. This isn’t just will they or won’t they kind of story. It’s about two people trying to do the right thing for themselves as well as their lives. What will make them truly happy? It’s a journey both characters go in WHERE NERVES END and the reader finds out just what these two will do to get what they both desire even as they try to make sure they give what they can to their priorities.
L. A. Witt delivers a story that is wonderful with moments of humor, love and sheer joy at times. She delivers a story that isn’t just about two people falling in love, it’s about two people trying to do the right thing to the people they care about while staying true to themselves. It can be a rough road to travel at times but this is an author who knows how to weave a story skillfully and I can honestly say, I would read this one all over again. I can’t wait to see what else is up in Tucker Springs and see where this series goes. If you enjoy complex characters, humor with a bit of romance then you will enjoy WHERE NERVES END.
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