Friday, June 21, 2013

Introducing Anna Marie May

Welcome to Love Romances & More Reviews Anna Marie May. Comfortable? Let’s begin, shall we? Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Were you an avid reader as a child? What type of books did you enjoy reading?

It is actually a funny story. When I was a child, I did not read. I had too much fun running around outside. One day, one school trip, we went to a dusty old library. There, because I was bored, I picked up a detective story featuring two brothers. I was intrigued. The idea followed me home. I got so obsessed that, I think my grandmother, took me back to the library, got me pass, and that was the end. I think I read the entire series in the span of a week. I was hooked for life! It changed everything for me, and I don't regret it at all!

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story.

I have a bit of a writing lull at the moment because I just moved to a new country. You can imagine what that entails! I've picked a book close to my heart. It is called Siren Song. It is the last book in my longest series, called Watchtower Series. The whole series owes its life to one tiny cat. Sadly, the cat in question is no longer among us, but her spirit does live on as Belze, a very important character in my books.

It might sound mad to have a talking cat featuring predominantly in the series, but it totally works. She is the familiar to our hero, Aidan. The series not only follows Aidan and his lover, the king, it also features other important characters. Aidan and James get to tell their story in book 1, 2 and 4 (Over the Rainbow, Over the Moon and Icelands). Book 3, Out of the (Werewolf) Closet, takes us to a whole new continent, and tells the story of Rick and Tom, sworn enemies (or are they?). The last book in the series, called Siren Song, features James' right hand Raphael. We explore yet another unknown part of the world, and in this book, dragons come into play!

Needless to say, writing the series was the most fun I've had in a long time. I am currently thinking about doing a standalone book in the series since we have not actually heard from King James directly. However, this is still very much in the works.

Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects?

Currently I have actually 3 books in the works. One is young adult fiction, one is pure scifi, while the other one is more or less fantasy. I go through phases, you know? I am sure my next phase will bring lots of contemporary novels. Actually, I got one spy story finished, but it isn't ready yet to talk about a publishing date. I guess the best place, if you want to stay up to date, would be to visit my blog or my facebook site. I do keep everyone posted there.

What do you do when the muse decides to take a holiday or become really difficult? How do you try to coax them back to the drawing board? 

My muse is always there. She might be a bit unfocused at times, but I never stop spinning a story. It is how I am wired. Even when I was little, I was always off in another world. My difficulty is re-entering the real world at times…

What comes first for you: Setting? Storyline? Characters? 

It totally depends on the book, or the story. Sometimes it is something very little, like a leaf, or sometimes it is something I witness. It can be anything. Once something triggers the story though, there is no stopping it. It wants to get out. I can write a full story in about a week. However, the editing then takes a while. I write at great speed, but this means I don't always think things through the way I should. It is something I am working on as a writer…

If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

I actually have a warning label.  A friend gave it to me. It reads: Caution, stressed person inside.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do to just kick back and have fun? 

I am always writing. If not actually typing, then I am thinking about it. The world holds so many untold stories, I am surrounded by them. But if I am not sitting at the keyboard, I am either reading or watching TV (movies). Or I am out and about. 

Thanks for coming. Is there anything else you want to add? 

Before leaving, I would like to add the blurb to Siren Song, book 5 of the Watchtower Series.

Legend says sirens will lead you to your death with a smile. Myths also claim dragons are nothing but figments of imagination.

Who could've possibly known that the last missing piece required to restore the Watchtowers to their full power would also carry within it the seeds of destruction?

A chance meeting between Raphael, first knight to King James, and Darren, related to the King of Muria, leaves everything Rafe has ever known in tatters. Still reeling from the loss of his former lover, Rafe embarks on a journey of self-discovery which will not only shake his beliefs to the core but also change the world.

You can learn more about the series on my website: (all contact details are on my site).


Annette Snyder said...

I also have a warning label from the guys at work...they pasted it to the counter by my desk..."Caution- Do Not Play On Or Around" and on the back of my chair "Not An Exit"

Anna Marie said...

That is a very good warning label!

Anna Marie said...

That is a very good warning label!