Sunday, September 15, 2013

Out of the Blackness by Carter Quinn

Publisher: Carter Quinn Books

Date published: July 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4675-8142-4
Genre: M/M contemporary
Book format: E-book
Obtained via: Self purchase
Reviewed by Keldon__

Avery has issues. A bad family situation followed by a worse one in a group home has left him with scars, nightmares, and a mistrust of nearly everyone on the planet. His safe circle includes fellow employees at a small bookstore…and Sam.

Cop Sam is Avery’s best friend, protector, housemate, and defacto brother—and the only one who knows the source of Avery’s pain. From the time Avery came to live with Sam, Avery has dreaded the day Sam will choose to pursue a life outside of their duo, and Sam seems to be getting serious with his girlfriend.

Furniture mover Noah is intrigued from the moment he lays eyes on the shy young man who works at the bookstore next door. Determined to draw Avery out, Noah sets out to change Avery’s world, one “win” at a time.

So begins a series of events that shake Avery loose from his safe cocoon and expose him to possibilities he’d never considered.

The characters are believable and deep in their quirks and personalities. Avery’s angst leaps off the page, putting the reader in the scene and experiencing the emotion right along with him, tissues were required at times.

The pacing was just right, and the black moment believable. At the end, the resolution left me happy and so proud of Avery. Yes, a fictional character, but I felt I knew him by then. I loved every minute, and stayed up late to finish it.

Carter Quinn is a new-to-me author. This book was recommended by a friend, and is one of the best purchases I’ve made this year. I’m looking forward to future offerings from him.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.


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