Thursday, October 24, 2013

All the Colors of Love by Jessica Freely

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press
Date published: September 2013
ISBN: 978-1-62798-152-1
Genre: Science-fiction, m/m, YA
Book format: E-book
Obtained via: Publisher
reviewed by: Marieke

4 hearts

Harry Ygrasil is the son of an ruthless businessman who treats him like dirt. Harry isn’t into school and get kicked out of every singly boarding school his father puts him in.

Antonin Karganilla discovers that he has a new roommate when he comes back to school after the summer. They don’t hit it off immediately but through a common enemy they bond and become vast friends. Then at christmas Antonin invites Harry back to his home and to both their surprises Harry’s father agrees.

Antonin’s family is rather strange and lives in an big greenhouse in Arctic-a. His adopted aunt Cid is an pleasure android. She is an molecular biologist that came bak from the dead by living in this new body. Her girlfriend is Magnolia, who killed Antonin’s dad when he tried to attack him and his mom. His uncle Tumcari is a merman made from a plant.

Harry’s father then blackmails him into stealing a virus. Antonin’s family finds out and tries to stop Harry’s father. It all goes to hell and a rescue mission has to be set up.

In this book a lot happens, too much to even describe properly. There is a lot of science fiction going on with the people in Antonin’s family but also in the way’s of transportation and living. This makes it a very interesting read.

Also there is a lot of head hopping, so you get the perspectives of almost all of the characters. It is done well, so no need to worry.

The perspective of Harry’s father almost makes you sympathize with him, but he then screws over everyone in the world. So in the end you can only hate him.

The love story is sweet and strong but as in all Young Adult, not too hot. The relationship between Antonin and his family is very strong and the author has put that down extremely well. Antonin’s mother is not a really likable person, yet you do understand her. All in all, a great book, where plenty happens. Very sci-fy.


This is not an endorsement of this book, this in an objective unbiased review.


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