Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Publisher: decadentpublishing.com
Date published: 23-Jan-14
ISBN: 978-1-61333-656-4
Genre M/F, steampunk romance
Reviewed by Helen
Weblink: http://www.decadentpublishing.com/product_info.php?products_id=895&osCsid=th5aikdqa4d5o6n0tt7iogk5s7
Obtained via publisher
Rating: 3

Like so many modern women, Mina Davis has lost faith in the twenty-first century dating scene as a place to find romance. From drunks pinching her rear and slobbering over her in the bar, to well-dressed but dishonorable corporate types, Mina longs for a swashbuckling hero. Enter Madame Evangeline and 1Night Stand.

I’ve read quite a lot of books in this series, and mostly I really enjoy them. They tend to be very short, very hot, and with a neat little plot and just a few characters all sewn up fast. Ms. Nance has written several steampunk books and it’s a genre I enjoy. A nice mix of fantasy, and history on steroids, with maybe some adventure thrown in. In such a very short length I wasn’t expecting a detailed plot or even a whole lot of sex. It’s not possible inside the word limit. But sadly I found the steampunk setting a bit cheesy, the romance a bit predictable, and the sex not really all that hot. Ross had potential, but he seemed a little bit of a cardboard cutout. I might have fallen for him more if we’d known a little more about him. Maybe if there’d been a scene from his POV. On a positive note, the book was very cleanly produced.  I liked Mina and her friend Regina, and the ending was a nice clever resolution.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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