Sunday, March 8, 2015

FIGHTING FAT: Break the Dieting Cycle and Get Healthy by Steven Lamm, M.D.

Publisher:    Spry Publishing
Published:   March 10, 2015
ISBN: 978-1938170560
Genre:   Non-fiction, Health
Format:  Ebook
Obtained via:  Publisher via Netgalley
Reviewed by name and email address:  Gina


In FIGHTING FAT, BREAK THE DIETING CYCLE AND GET HEALTHY, Dr. Steven Lamm presents not only an in depth explanation of why we gain weight, but provides a detailed analysis of the pros and cons on a number of modern weight loss techniques.   He doesn’t tout one as the be all and end all of weight loss, but provides clear and understandable information the lay person can use to make an intelligent decision about which approach is best for him or her.

Chapters include some of the most up-to-date stats on how our society as a whole has caused its own weight gain before moving on to just what makes up a fat cell and how our brain – both physically and psychologically plays a part in the process of eating, gaining and losing weight.  What I appreciated was how he focuses on health:  being and getting healthy and how a one size doesn’t fit all in terms of weight loss.  He covers not only different drugs that may assist in controlling weight, but descriptions about surgery and lap-bands. 

Each chapter contains relevant information, followed by a story regarding one of his patients and additional resources and references so the reader can further educate him or herself. 

Lamm’s book is not entertaining but a factual account of how we got where we are as a nation and a variety of ways to straighten our personal weight issues out.  I’d recommend FIGHTING FAT to anyone interested in their personal health.  You do not have to be over (or under) weight to learn something new and add to your personal health-making arsenal. 

This is an objective review and an endorsement of this book.

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