Saturday, April 18, 2015

A CHEAP RACKET by Syd McGinley

Publisher: Torquere Press 
Date published: 4/1/15
ISBN: 978-1-61040-885-1
MM, Cozy Mystery
Reviewed by Helen
Obtained via publisher
Rating: 4.5

Tim is determined to save himself a nice nest-egg, and uses his young, clean-cut, boy next door good looks to pretend to be a nephew for older men. Meanwhile his best friend and roommate, Cal, decides to become a social worker, and his hairy biker boyfriend, Ari, is patiently waiting for him to retire.

This story has a cast of wonderful, unusual characters, including some of the older men. The plot line is that of a simple mystery, but Tim manages to turn it into a sexy romp, with occasional blasts of enormous fun.
This is by no means your average story. For a start, a hero such as Tim would be prohibited by many publishing houses, yet he’s completely charming and likeable, and his motives make sense. He’s a character in his right and his story deserves to be told. The same with the sex scenes. Tim has his rules and they make sense as the reader follows through the situations.

I loved the characters in this book, and the twists and leaps in the plot. The way Tim goes about his business is simple and logical, but also a lot of fun. It also has a special place in the plot resulting in a brilliant line of text that had me laughing out loud.

All in all this was most definitely not a traditional romance, but still a really enjoyable one and one I’ll certainly reread.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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