Monday, February 8, 2021

RAPHAEL by Laurell K. Hamilton

Publisher: Penguin Random House
Date Published: February 09, 2021
ISBN: 9780593332917
Paranormal, Urban fantasy, Horror
Reviewed by Gabrielle (
Obtained via publisher
Rating: 4 Hearts



Anita finds herself in the middle of a power struggle in the wererats. Raphael the king of the wererats has enemies that are determined to remove him and the alliance that he has with Anita. Will Raphael and the rats become nothing more than slaves to the vampires once Raphael becomes Anita’s or will they become stronger? As the wererats begin to take sides on this question Anita must also deal with emotions and problems in her own personal life. So much is going on with Anita and her life is becoming more complicated by the day and she longs for some peace, but will she ever get it?


This book brings back the emotional side of Anita. Unlike the previous book that had a return to more action Rafael brings us more emotional conflict than action. This story is full of angst and emotions. Anita seems to have taken a step back and is once again worried about everyone’s feelings and sexual habits. There are a lot of characters in this book and as it is the latest in a long series you need to read the previous books to understand who everyone is and what is going on. I enjoyed this quick stop in Anita’s world. We get a deeper look at the wererats and how their world works. This is another book that does a nice job in connecting Anita to many of the supporting characters in this series. Once again Anita must take a look at herself and deal with emotions as her life moves forward. Rafael is a nice addition to the Anita Blake series. Laurell K. Hamilton does a nice job of keeping readers engaged and interested in this world.

This is an objective review and not an endorsement of this book.

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